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Everything posted by Zenol

  1. Zenol

    Lana accent

    Thank you Does she have a particular American accent or rather a "Standard American" one? Can you give me some british elements she uses?
  2. Zenol

    Lana accent

    Hey! So.. one question I've had for years... what accent does Lana exactly have? I'm not a native speaker so it's pretty hard for me to determine whether she has a NY, LA, Standard American or even a British accent. Can anyone help me with that? Thanks
  3. That's exactly what i wanna know
  4. When will this be released at itunes in europe? When will this be released at itunes in europe?
  5. When will WC be available in europe? -.-
  6. When is West Coast coming in the fucking Switzerland itunes store? -.-
  7. In which picture do you mean?
  8. Here her thighs are clearly bigger, aren't they? (stomach too)
  9. I think she lost weight didn't she? Looks really gorgeous!!
  10. Hmmm... I really do not understand why it's on Google Play but not yet on Itunes Edit: The quality of the song on Google Play is not that good. Did anyone else notice this problem? Sometimes there's a little "crackle"....
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