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honey dew

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Posts posted by honey dew

  1. 12 hours ago, evalionisameme said:

    None of this makes sense, it’s just malice- you can critique her privilege in not acknowledging that others can’t just take breaks without this nasty attitude 

    I'm not sorry that her being manipulative inspired malice in me... did I have to go off on her no I really didn't but I felt like speaking my truth in the moment, and my truth is critical 🤷‍♂️


    And I never forgot the way Marina dropped Lana after QFTC, it revealed a lot about her character.. 

  2. 4 minutes ago, partymonster said:

    because you think she needs to talk about her own disability in a way that caters to user honey dew's feelings... you have probably been told this before but if you don't like her to this extent then you can simply just exit the thread 

    Omg she would love to hear someone call her disabled...and you're right I don't need to be hating on her honestly the amount of hate/indifference she gets is probably making her this way...

  3. 1 hour ago, partymonster said:

    a slightly out of touch post about an illness she's been diagnosed with fairly recently doesn't warrant this type of response. your words about self-victimisation are the type of things 'regular' people who live with chronic health conditions have to hear everyday. you're not any better bc it's a celebrity u don't like lol

    I was in fact drawing a line between Marina and regular people with chronic conditions...and accordingly I dislike Marina because she acts like an afflicted self-righteous buffoon...

  4. 24 minutes ago, Chorli Xbox said:

    im gonna close this thread because the woke discussion feels like going back 10 years in time and is affecting me emotionally and not feeling like a safe space 


    i don’t wanna go all emotional on every post so i hope y’all enjoy rush and have a good time, much love nothing personal bye :kiss3:

    What I say is not personal either it's a frustration with culture, and I just want to say this as someone who was an ideologue not even 4 years ago that your whole world will change when u realise that safe spaces do not exist and that's the problem w "wokeness" is that it turns you into just a different variety of bigot, a black and white thinker, and you're made to feel like you only have allies and mortal enemies... politicians want you to feel like this because they get more votes if the middle ground is eroded and populations are divided into warring sides 🤷‍♂️ 

  5. 4 minutes ago, Strangelove said:

    I need a celebrity gambling site because I would definitely put at least $20 this. :thumb3:


    As someone with a chronic physical condition what she said definitely sounded tone deaf.

    That would explain the quality of her music these days!

  6. 27 minutes ago, Chorli Xbox said:

    …wokeness? :awkney2:


    not the conservatives/republican troye stans taking over 

    I am neither a conservative, republican OR a Troye stan. The only labels I will ever use are 1. Lipster and 2. Homosexual. And I will live to see wokeness, the real pandemic, be sent back to Hell!

  7. 7 hours ago, partymonster said:

    for having a health condition?...

    She is just manipulating attention and concern out of her audience... people do this when they have a desperate need to feel special and meaningful, and they talk about themselves like fallen soldiers, that they have suffered so much and the "healing" is such a righteous fight. The majority of people on earth who live with chronic health conditions just have to deal with them and keep working, they don't turn them into a grand personal narrative and a narcissistic effigy of self-victimisation

  8. 3 hours ago, KillForLove said:


    Charli could literally end wokeness if she spoke her true thoughts on the matter although she would also end her career cuz her fanbase is probably 90% wokies but I think that's a fair trade for the cause :true:

  9. It's not really my thing anymore but I always liked Hannah Diamond I think she is one of the few PC music people who is actually a really good songwriter but it kind of goes unnoticed because the production style is the focal point I guess l

  10. 9 minutes ago, urgirl said:

    is the IM SWEEEeeeEEEeeeT part supposed to be a reference to wait for life or are pretending it’s not a straight copy of the superior IM LONELYYYyyyyyyyYYYYyyy 




    I think it's a reference but only because the album is littered with other references to her discography. Another reason why it's her magnum opus :true:

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