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honey dew

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Everything posted by honey dew

  1. who was that person who said lets all stop streaming lana until she gives us news i am still crying at that
  2. i’m on the edge of my fucking seat i feel like we’re all about to get sniped
  3. i'm sorry i know taste is subjective but if you think VB is a bad song i literally think less of you as a person
  4. being australian can i remind you all that if anything drops i will get it before you fags
  5. does anyone else get a really specific energy from title tracks in general? i get this very keen excitement / enticement / enjoyment out of the the name of the song and its sound and its spirit as the cornerstone of an album like one song embodying a whole album just does something to my loins, ultraviolence is the best representation of that feeling for me
  6. this straight man listening to hope and CRYING as a first time lana listener has enormous dick energy https://youtu.be/MPY-gJqRDOc?t=66 hope really flew over all of yalls heads huh. sad
  7. now we just need another 10 or so arguments and we'll make it to 2000 pages who's with me ladies?
  8. lana isn't claiming to be a legendary poet she is just writing words dnkjasdfbajksdfbcv,cx can you all seriously shut ALL the way up and go read your bookshelves full of poetry or whatever
  9. “kiss me in the d.a.r.k. dark tonightd.a.r.k. do it my way kiss me in the p.a.r.k. park tonight p.a.r.k. let them all say hey lolita hey hey lolita hey i know what the boys want i’m not gonna play” has entered the chat
  10. i’m 90% sure happy is a song not a poem, the structure is like hope and htd and it sings when i read it
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