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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. y’all don’t hate on the Jonas Brothers... i’m seeing them in like 2 days.
  2. NFR is lana’s best album to date, her magnum opus!!!! (this will get us to 4000 pages)
  3. probably gonna be heading to my local target friday morning (hopefully) and if i remember, i’ll post a pic (:
  4. don’t feel bad. you’re definitely allowed to have your own opinion! it’s just some people attack others for liking/disliking NFR and that’s what causes fights. but you’re just giving your input which is 100% fine! (:
  5. putting energy into the air that my album ships before the 30th....
  6. in the order confirmation email i got, it’s supposed to ship ON the 30th. but i’m hoping it arrives on the 30th. highly doubt it.
  7. look everyone is ALLOWED to have their own (wrong) opinions on the album but to compare NFR to previous albums is so STUPID. if all you do is compare her new stuff to old stuff, OF COURSE you’re gonna be disappointed. just fucking enjoy that she gave us a new record at all because remember this puta wasn’t gonna put out anything in the first place until she met jack. and i don’t think we need to slander each other either. this is the same shit that continues to cycle around just like y’all constantly dragging stans for liking LFL. who fucking cares?! you’re allowed to like and/or dislike an album WITHOUT attacking other’s for their opinions. LET’S ALL BE FRIENDS!!
  8. NOW THIS IS TASTE Y’ALL!!! take that NFR! haters!!!!
  9. where is everyone gonna be listening to the album for the first time? i’m in college and its gonna be midnight so i’ll probably lay in my dorm in the dark while listening to the album on full blast with my headphones. i know using headphones on the first listen will be an EXPERIENCE.
  10. can we all agree that NFR, Ultraviolence, and Honeymoon ARE the holy trinity? no fucking exceptions!!!
  11. oh honey...those are #2 and #3... NFR takes the #1 spot baby.
  12. i cant wait to listen to lana’s magnum opus in almost two days
  13. i want to personally send my thanks to the stans who think NFR! is a great album, you are loved. i like you. you have taste. keep doing what you are doing, sweeties. and for you negative nancy’s who are slandering NFR! how about you re-evaluate your life and choices. was it really worth it? who are you? why do you lack in taste?
  14. not y’all hating on NFR! already... i’m disgusted.
  15. some of y’all lit rally have the WORST opinions and the WORST taste.... x
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