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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. https://www.instagram.com/tv/B1HzIwVhkSL/?igshid=5m83ncpgtvtk click the link for asmr
  2. https://twitter.com/ultrasubversive/status/1161412289704185856?s=21 THE VIDEO AND SONG ARE GONNA FUCK ME UP I JUST KNOW IT
  3. the piano version of How to Disappear is boring and a snooze-fest, but the studio version on NFR sounds genuinely good and i’m excited for it.
  4. i cant believe she’s been feeding us EVERY week of August so far.. i love her.
  5. i don’t want to get banned luv i mean i definitely don’t have any sn*ppets
  6. i’ve decided to listen to the singles at least once so i’ve heard them but then try not to listen to them again until the album is released.. (that’s a lie. i’ll end up streaming the fuck outta the singles anyway cuz i have no self-control when it comes to lana.)
  7. fuh... it... i... luh... YEWWWWW!!! her best song is coming.
  8. ok so if she releases FIILY and the Greatest before the album, i’m gonna be going insane. i promised myself to NOT listen to anymore singles so the album sounds fresh buuuuut i really really REALLY love the snippet for FIILY and i know it’s gonna be my fave soooo like sis may just have to give in...
  9. almost two weeks ladies!!! are we ready or are WE READY??
  10. listening to the snippets with your headphones on is a holy experience, especially cinnamon girl... those strings... ma'am she did THAT!
  11. nope i don’t believe so since it’s just target and not her website
  12. yay 3000! thanks to the girls fighting about LFA for the past 100 pages, we wouldn’t of made it here without YOU!
  13. whatever’s AWWWWWN tonight, i just wanna party w you.... topanga’s HAWWWWT tonight-
  14. https://www.instagram.com/p/B080tuJB90G/?igshid=1t4gqr1p2x7b1 good!! she’s donating the earnings!
  15. i wanted to call you but I didn't say a thing.... OHHHHHHHHHHH, i'll pick you up-
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