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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. y’all really trashing FIILY already when you haven’t heard the full thing... the lack of TASTE, the lack of FLAVOUR! what happened to your taste buds?!!?
  2. get ready to be attacked.. but i feel this. i think it's cute lyrically, but the ballad version bored me to death. i think i might enjoy the studio version better which all the HTD stans think is horrible. delete this
  3. thinking about how FIILY will be her best song on the album...
  4. skskksksks mood in all seriousness it was the first time i ever saw lana live so i looked past her horrible outfit and enjoyed myself. her boots were the best part tho.
  5. i listened to the snippets like 10 times but thankfully i forget most of what i heard. i wanna go back and listen 10 more times but i don’t wanna ruin the album. i still want it to be as fresh as possible. it’s soooo tempting tho.
  6. based off of snippets alone.. 1. fuck it i love you 2. california 3. love song/cinnamon girl ..are my top three. but i definitely love every song on the album in its own special way.
  7. i cant wait to shake my ass to ‘fuck it i love you’ omggg.. she’s an instant fave!
  8. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pc2up4mojqit0ma/Looking%20for%20America.mp3?dl=0 for those who missed it in the NFR pre-release thread, i made a dropbox link! enjoy!
  9. new link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/pc2up4mojqit0ma/Looking%20for%20America.mp3?dl=0 this should work. enjoy ladies. xx
  10. don’t know if anyone has done this yet but i made a dropbox link... lemme know if it works. ((i’m not that tech savvy when it comes to this stuff)) https://www.dropbox.com/s/l5frvdqzq5ltkev/Looking%20for%20America?dl=0 edit: nevermind!!! it’s not working for me either lmaoo. if anyone made a link could you share?
  11. that’s why she added “the NEXT..” in front of BAR cuz this puta definitely reworked it..
  12. eclipse has love song?? https://twitter.com/ultrasubversive/status/1158502661014151168?s=21
  13. sameee like why can’t love song be another cruel world 7 minute moment!? she missed that opportunity.
  14. y’all the movie comes out august 9th so i’m assuming the song will too?
  15. omg... we get to hear that in HQ in less than a month... i’m shaking!!!
  16. ugh it’s taking everything in me to avoid listening to MAC and VB and hope for the next month.. i love those songs so much but i want the album to sound fresh(er). i’ve already milked those songs enough.
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