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Everything posted by xxmissdaytonaxx

  1. i’m afraid that we won’t get this album... if i don’t have cinnamon and in your car by the end of summer, i will combust.
  2. i cried at 1am last night to the last three tracks. i cannot believe she ended the album w some major sad girl shit.. but i’m here for it. all of the songs are great except i’m not a huge fan of 8, only because of the pitched vocals, it kinda ruins the song and makes it sound silly. but i’ll still listen to it. it’s just not my fave.
  3. sooo i had the strangest dream about lana.. we were going to this LA ice cream shop (idk why lmao) and i was like “i’m guessing your gonna get the matcha ice cream” and she was like “i don’t even like matcha”. CONFIRMED: lana is a fake LA baddie + matcha lover
  4. anyways, billie’s album is finally out. stream it bitchez. xoxo.
  5. https://www.instagram.com/p/Bvk2wQUBX0i/?utm_source=ig_share_sheet&igshid=1i253bjfgnxen idk if anyone mentioned this but in the comments on steven klein’s post, someone asked about the lana photo shoot and he said it’s “coming soon”.
  6. hell, i could do the same thing with my messages right now. lmao. trolling at its finest.
  7. i’m getting a headache from all this... it’s just messy.
  8. i can’t wait to wake up tomorrow to absolutely NOTHING. (except billie’s album. stream dat.)
  9. all of the delusion on here today... i can’t deal w y’all. get ready for disappointment. AND i have a good feeling she won’t say anything tmrw at all. so don’t get your hopes up that she’ll clarify the confusion about the release date. lmao.
  10. never. PERIODT. that’s it. that’s the post.
  11. i wanna DM lana so bad and be like “bitch where tf is the album?” but i’m too afraid. lmao. byeeee.
  12. the june 29th will be the new march 29th for me once we’re past friday. lol. i need something to look forward to. we love delusion.
  13. y’all have no taste... if cinnamon gets scrapped, i’m blaming all of you florida kilos haters.
  14. wow, imagine if march 29th used to be the original release date. ugh. we would have a whole album to look forward to in 3 days. i’m depressed.
  15. if she’s not gonna release her poetry book online and worldwide, then she can gladly keep it. i’m not trynna see 10 of the same fans that always end up at barricade also get her “limited edition” poetry book too. also, her spelling sucks so she better get that thing taken to an actual editor and publisher.
  16. https://twitter.com/planettropico/status/1109312496643571713?s=21 venice bitch... the ending when she said “norman rockwell” is sending me. why does it sound like that?
  17. can’t wait for lana’s next post, 5 clips from the fesitival with the caption “buku <3”, then she’ll disappear till summer. yay!
  18. whoever said this dress is ugly earlier is W R O N G. PERIODT.
  19. yes, he got barricade and center stage again so maybe he’ll at least give us some good vidz.
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