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Posts posted by evilentity

  1. 39 minutes ago, Monster said:

    You can still see who likes posts!

    Just click on the number beside the like button (if a post has been liked) and a small pop up box will appear with who has liked the post!

    I'm very familiar with this kind of forum set up so if anyone has a question I can try and help out as much as I can.

    Sure, for likes given after the upgrade that works. But all the like data from before the upgrade is gone. :(

    It seems a little odd that that data can't be ported. @Elle Are you sure a script couldn't be written to restore that data?


    1 hour ago, evilentity said:

    Tables appear broken.

    1 hour ago, Elle said:

    Please DM me with any issues with tables!

    Not sure why you want me to DM you about it, but it appears they're all completely broken.

    Spoilers in old posts are broken too. So the formatting of basically every thread in my Early Shows section is trashed now. :barrie:

    FYI if/when you fix spoiler tags, there was also a special centered spoiler called spoilerc that is also broken.

  2. 34 minutes ago, Mer Boy said:

    likes on old posts seem to be gone but that's not really a big deal!

    27 minutes ago, Elle said:

    I noticed that too, but total reputation points from likes still remain! Sorry about that, but it seems that couldn't transfer over. :((

    That would be really unfortunate. It was nice to be able to see who had liked particular posts. It would be a shame if all that old history was gone now.

    I'm also really concerned about how the way the source button works now. I did a lot of manual formatting of my posts. The old formatting tags were pretty simple to use. Now it appears to be fairly complicated HTML shit.

  3. Lana has closed her webstore for Blackout Tuesday and shared petition and donation links - 


    (rubs eyes)


    Did Lana actually do something right that I can't immediately find cause to criticize?


    It's like a fucking dream I'm livin' in.

  4. This is a much better statement. Wish she'd started with this. But in the context of her comments over the last week or so it's still trying to minimize her missteps and deny her belligerence and initial inability to listen. Still too focused on receiving criticism. And I'm not criticizing her for this, everyone's doing it, but the issue of posting pictures of even peaceful protesters is a real one given police use of facial recognition and our history of police and FBI targeting activists. Many privacy advocates would tell you not to do it without significantly degrading image quality or blurring faces.

  5. I'm really happy to see people more critical of Lana's politics though I'm still more bothered by her not addressing her own personal missteps related to racism than her not addressing the racism of others. The argument that people with large platforms should be using them to raise awareness is well taken, but I'm honestly curious why a consensus seems to be forming around Lana having an obligation to raise awareness about this particular issue. Why not Michael Brown, Philando Castile, Walter Scott, Tamir Rice, Eric Harris, Laquan McDonald, Eric Garner, Trayvon Martin, Sandra Bland, Terence Crutcher, Ahmaud Arbery, Botham Jean, etc. etc. Why not the oppression of Palestinians in Israel? Kids in cages? Drone killings under Obama? Indefinite detainees rotting in Gitmo without a trial?

  6. I'm interested in the intersectionality of some of these questions. Like I'd love for a way to see how many users are lesbian women, how many of the gay men are white vs. POC, etc. etc.


    Would also be kinda morbidly curious how people view the recent Instagram controversy though that could probably be done in a regular thread poll and I also sorta don't want to know how many of you are terrible people thought that shit was acceptable.

  7. It's definitely left a bitter taste. I've lost all respect for her as a person.

    I couldn't even bring myself to listen to her new little spoken word poem she put out...

    And I mean, I've seen her live many times, I've met her once. I've listened to her for countless hours while painting.

    It's just disappointing that her true colors could be so dark.

    i also can’t bring myself to listen to the poem..i read it here but her dropping a poem so soon after all this craziness is disrespectful. she needs to give it time to breathe.

    Me three.


    Imagining Lanz coming into this thread and telling us all to go fuck ourselves

    Dude, I would wear that shit as a badge of honor and put it in my bio if it was over some shit like this.

  8. Does anyone know the date for this Chuck Grant "shoot" with Reeve Carney? I've seen different dates ranging from 2008 to April 2009 but it seems like the real date is lost


    my guess would be 2009 because of her hair.

    Nah, her hair was longer in 2009. Comparing to photos in the Early Shows section I'd say late 2007 or 2008.



    Does anyone think Lana will ever evolve from the NFR/acoustic LFL sound at this point?

    anyone seeing the crazy similarities between Paloma Faith & Lana? if you like Lana you should definitely listen to Paloma's first album like it literally sounds like Lana's unreleaseds. it sounds so good

    A reminder of what this thread is for and what it isn't. From the OP:



    General and fact-based Lana-related questions that are easily answered and not intended for their own discussion.




    “Which interview was it where Lana mentioned being a fan of David Lynch?"

    "What performance was it where Lizzy did the cover of The Happiest Girl In The Whole U.S.A.?"

    “What’s Lana’s brother’s name?”

    “What was the name of that boarding school that Lana attended?”


    You know, stuff like that.






    --Any questions about specific discussion topics that already have a home somewhere on the forum, such as individual songs in the Lyrics section, past photo shoots in the Gallery, unreleased/demo songs in the Audio section. Questions pertaining to specific subjects such as these can still be directed to those existing threads.


    --Discussion type of questions that are a matter of opinion. Eg: “Who do you prefer, Lana or Lizzy?" or “What do you think would happen if Lana went on SNL again?” Those are opinion-based topics for on-going discussion that are not appropriate for this thread, and are better suited for their own thread.


    ***Before you ask your question, have a look here at the thread dedicated to rumors and debunked myths about Lana Del Rey, as the answer to your question might very well already be there.

  9. Why do I feel like when Lana said in that interview that she was waiting a few years for some family members to be away so she could talk about her family, it was about Patty

    Yup yup.


    There was a whole burst of interviews that had me thinking this way. The Ann Powers thing on thru to the Elton John profile:



    I still need to talk my wife into watching Rocketman with me some time so I can finish writing up my thoughts on that.



    This is one of the very very few horrible things Lana has ever done. There's no justification for what she just did. None.

    In which LanaBoards' mod most given to moral disapprobation defends her here, kinda. In a back-handed complimentary sorta way.


    I'm gonna have to disagree here on both points. This might be horrible. It might be perfectly justified. We don't know. And until we know more, it's not our business. It's between them. It's personal. But more to the point, unless and until we find out that she has bullshit reasons for dissing her mom, it has no larger significance or real world impact on anyone else the way other bad things she's done arguably do, like say, intending to perform in Israel, making ignorant comments both when she doubled down on that and when she finally cancelled, dating a reality TV cop who has engaged in profiling and is a de facto apologist for the abusive policing practices of the status quo, appropriating indigenous culture, glorifying all manner of questionable shit, treating journalists just doing their jobs like shit often specifically for doing their jobs well, her lying in general, etc.



    I think it’s weird she also said “family of origin traumas” hmmmm

    I suspect it's not weird at all...

  10. it's not "allusive"

    If it’s not allusive I would love if you could tell us what brand made it and where we could purchase

    It's not allusive. It might be elusive though. Tryna imagine what an allusive "Summertime Sadness"

    outfit might be. Maybe a t-shirt that says "someone remixed the shit out of it"?


    At any rate I'd bet cake that @@Elle owns it or something close to it whatever it is.

  11. ironically if u google lana del rey collection mine is like the second photo that comes up lmaooooo

    I have zero interest in collecting Lana merch like this but I'm fascinated by people who do.


    That said, I would pay top dollar for any legit pre-fame stuff with good provenance. Original Lizzi Grant/May Jailer discs. The 2006 WLSC cd or DVD. Original physical copies of the "Kill Kill" EP or AKA. CD-Rs she gave out to people and wrote on with a sharpie. Hit me up if you ever come across anything like that.


    due to an extremely long story i have been displaced / a bitch is homeless

    Imagine spending this much $$$ on Lana merch but not having a home. I--


    Definitely robbed for biggest Lana stan. You're doing the most.


    am currently living in @ wraith's and @ eclipse's flat




    You should sell a couple coke-spoon rosaries and buy a quiet little place with @@Elle instead. You probably thought I was just joking on Twitter, and idk if you're into girls at all, but I ship you two for real. Y'all wouldn't even need any furniture. Just eat, sleep, and laze around on the giant piles of Lana merch. It's a match made in heaven/the garden of Evil.


    all of my lana stuff is tucked away into a closet. but the moment i can take an updated photo i will defo upload and defo @ you. if i can take a photo of the closet i will bc even that is hilarious.

    And to think I considered myself something of a closeted Lana fan IRL.


    i would definitely take them off ur hands if ur selling!!!

    Hmmm... When I get back around to managing work on the Interviews section again, would you consider helping us by acquiring magazines with Interviews that aren't online and sending us scans?


    no joke, when i was in berlin a little over a year ago i went to the ramones museum which basically just started as one guys collection of ramones stuff. it's very small and the front of the "museum" is just a lil cafe where it has a very large backroom that's just a huge collection of stuff. i was thinking, maybe in the future if i ever have a grounded career in what i'm trying to do with my life i might open up a cafe/museum as a little side thing and keep the stuff there instead. imagine it:


    café del rey

    museum and coffee shop


    Better yet open it in Amsterdam as a "coffee shop".


    Or we should track down Lizzy's original trailer for this.


    Electra's Lana Del Rey Collection Masterpost

    April 29th, 2020

    Soon to become the biggest heap of shit any LDR fans own.

    Officially at 232 pieces of individual official merch.


    From my last quoted post, as you can see at this time three years ago I had 13 pieces of merch! That's a whopping 219 item increase haha. The maths works out that I obtain around 6/7 items a month or about almost two a week since I began seriously collecting. Since I began stanning her it averages out at about two pieces of merch a month, so not that insane.


    I began creating a lil spreadsheet of all of her merchandise based releases and it's not quite finished, but when it is I'll make it public so other people can see what it takes to be such a massive mess that u collect everything  :hooker: 





    - Born to Die (Regular Edition)

    - Ultraviolence (Regular Edition)

    - Honeymoon

    - Lust for Life

    - Lust for Life (Signed)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (Explicit Cover)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (Signed Slipcover)




    Promo CD’s



    - Blue Jeans (French, 9-Track)

    - West Coast (UK, 3-Track)

    - Ultraviolence (UK, 1-Track)

    - Love (UK, 1-Track)

    - Video Games / Blue Jeans (Germany, Austria, Switzerland, 2-Track)

    - High By The Beach (UK, 2-Track)

    - Summertime Sadness (11-Track)







    - Born To Die (12")

    - Born To Die (12", red)

    - Born To Die (12", red)

    - Born To Die (12", red)

    - Paradise (12")

    - Ultraviolence (12", UO Edition)

    - Honeymoon (12", UO Edition)

    - Honeymoon (12", Red Edition)

    - Lust for Life (12", Coke Bottle Edition)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (12". Black)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (12". Black)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (12", UO Edition)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (12", Lime Green)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (12", Blue)


    - Born To Die (The Remix EP) (12", White Vinyl)

    - Born to Die (7" Single)

    - National Anthem (7" Single)

    - Ride (7" Single)

    - Video Games (7" Single)

    - Video Games / Blue Jeans (7" Single, Remixes - Joy Orbison/Odd Future's)




    Box Sets



    - Born To Die

    - Ultraviolence

    - Honeymoon (x2)

    - Lust for Life







    - Honeymoon

    - Lust for Life

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (Clear)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (Lime Green)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell (Glitter Green)








    - Paradise Tour Guns n Roses Shirt

    - Paradise Tour Guns n Roses Tank Top

    - Paradise Cover Tank Top

    - Boyfriend Tour Shirt

    - Andy Warhol Tour Shirt

    - Bee Tour Tank Top

    - White Bee Tour Shirt (American Tour version)

    - Paradise Serpent (American Tour) Tee



    - White Ultraviolence Album Cover T-Shirt

    - Neil Krug "Peyote" Tour Shirt

    - Endless Summer Tour Shirt

    - Endless Summer Cocaine Rosary



    - Yellow Ship Shirt


    Lust for Life

    - Racer Jacket

    - Lust for Life Favourite Places Jacket (Long Hooded Monogram Jacket)

    - Lust for Life Windbreaker

    - LDR Red Jumper

    - Cherry Hoodie

    - California Hoodie

    - Navy Boat Tee

    - Lust for Life Rose Tee

    - Cherry Tee

    - LA To The Moon Tour Tee (AUS/EU)

    - LA To The Moon Tour Tee (US)

    - Lust for Life Cap

    - Lust for Life Visor

    - Lust for Life Pop-Up Shop Cherry Hat


    Norman Fucking Rockwell

    - Surf Painting Tee (White)

    - Surf Painting Tee (Black)

    - Chinatown Tee (White)

    - Chinatown Tee (Pink)

    - Chinatown Tee (Yellow)

    - Chinatown Tee (Ringer)

    - Venice Bitch Tee (White)

    - Venice Bitch Tee (Yellow)

    - Venice Bitch Tee (Ringer)

    - Cinnamon Girl Tee (White)

    - Cinnamon Girl Tee (Black)

    - Cinnamon Girl Tee (Ringer)

    - Surf Painting Hoodie (White)

    - Surf Painting Hoodie (Black)

    - Cinnamon Girl Hoodie (Pink)

    - Venice Bitch Hoodie (Blue)

    - Venice Bitch Hoodie (White)

    - Venice Bitch Crop Hoodie (Pink)

    - Surf Board Tee (Black)

    - Surf Board Tee (Purple)

    - Surf Board Hoodie (Blue)

    - Fuck It I Love You Tour Hoodie (Grey)

    - Cinnamon Girl Beanie (White)

    - Boulevard Tee

    - Fuck It I Love You Dickies Jacket

    - Venice Bitch Orange Crop Top

    - Lana Del Rey Vintage Floral Crop Top

    - Lana Del Rey NFR Tour Tee

    - See You Later Windbreaker







    • Wonderland (2011)
    • Billboard (2012)
    • Vogue UK (2012)
    • Vogue UK (2012)
    • Les Inrockuptibles (January - 2012)
    • Les Inrockuptibles (November - 2012)
    • Interview Germany (2012)
    • Q Magazine (2012)
    • Q Magazine Subscriber Edition (2012)
    • Q Magazine Subscriber Edition (2012)
    • H&M Catalog Version One (2012)
    • H&M Catalog Version Two (2012)
    • Glamour (Austria/Germany) (2012)
    • NME (2012)
    • Nylon (2012)
    • GQ (2012)
    • Zoo (2012)
    • LUXX (2013)
    • L'Officiel (2013)
    • Numero Tokyo (2013)
    • Numero Tokyo (2013)
    • Electronic Beats (2013)
    • Men's Style (2013)
    • Fader (2014)
    • Clash (2014)
    • Rolling Stone (2014)
    • D La Repubblica (2014)
    • Magazin Austria (2014)
    • Rolling Stone (2014)
    • Galore (2014)
    • Galore (2014)
    • Intro (2014)
    • Maxim (2014)
    • Maxim (2014)
    • Fashion Canada (2014)
    • Fashion Canada (2014)
    • Les Inrockuptibles (2014)
    • Les Inrockuptibles (2015)
    • V Magazine (2015)
    • Billboard (2015)
    • Billboard Power 100 (2015)
    • Billboard Power 100 (2015)
    • Interview (2015)
    • Grazia France, Cover #1 (2015)
    • Grazia France, Cover #2 (2015)
    • Another Man Magazine (2015)
    • Marfa Journal (2015)
    • NME (2015/16?)
    • Elle (2017)
    • Elle Travel Size Edition (2017)
    • NME (2017)
    • Flaunt (2017)
    • Dazed and Confused - Lana Cover (2017)
    • Dazed and Confused - Lana Cover (2017)
    • Paris Match (2017)
    • V Magazine (2017)
    • V Magazine (2017)
    • Devchonki (2017)
    • Maxima (2017)
    • Vanity Fair Italia (2017)
    • Grazia (2017)
    • L'Officiel USA (2018)
    • C Magazine (2018)
    • Vogue Italia #1 (2019)
    • Vogue Italia #2 (2019)
    • Vogue Italia #3 (2019)






    - Brown Paradise Lyric Book (2013)

    - Paradise Tour Programme







    - LDR Lighter (2013)

    - LDR Lighter (2015)







    - Hollyweird Postcard

    - Dazed Magazine Postcard #1

    - Dazed Magazine Postcard #2

    - Dazed Magazine Postcard #3

    - Surfshop Postcard #1

    - Surfshop Postcard #2

    - Surfshop Postcard #3

    - Surfshop Postcard #4

    - Surfshop Postcard #5

    - Surfshop Postcard #6

    - Surfshop Postcard #7

    - Surfshop Postcard #8

    - Surfshop Postcard #9

    - Surfshop Postcard #10

    - Surfshop Postcard #11

    - Surfshop Postcard #12

    - Surfshop Postcard #13

    - Surfshop Postcard #14

    - Surfshop Postcard #15

    - Surfshop Postcard #16

    - Surfshop Postcard #17

    - Surfshop Postcard #18

    - Surfshop Postcard #18

    - Surfshop Postcard #20

    - Surfshop Postcard #21








    - Boyfriend Lithograph

    - Video Games Lithograph



    - Limited Edition Wiltern Poster


    Lust for Life

    - Lust for Life Lithograph (Signed)

    - Glasgow 2017 Tour Poster

    - LA To The Moon Tour Lithograph (EU)

    - Lust for Life Era Live at Amoeba Poster (Signed)


    Norman Fucking Rockwell

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell Signed Print (UK Store)

    - Norman Fucking Rockwell Tour Poster (Glasgow Show)

    - VIP Tour Poster (West Coast)







    - Lana Fucking Del Rey Glass

    - Chinatown Glass

    - Venice Bitch Glass







    - Venice Bitch Towel

    - Surf Towel







    - Chinatown Trinket Tray (Ashtray)

    - Venice Bitch Patch

    - Surf Shop Paper Carrier Bag

    - Fuck It I Love You VIP Key Chain

    - Mariners Apartment Complex Keychain

    - Album Cover Tour Tote Bag

    - Lana Del Rey VIP Notebook

    - Surf Shop Promo Card Sticker (QR Code)

    - Endless Summer Lanyard

    - LA To The Moon Tour Lanyard x 2 (EU)

    - Tour Tickets (Various)

    - Electric Guitar, signed by Lana

    - The Great Gatsby Book, signed by Lana




    ISO (Things I'm Looking For! Sell these things to me! SELL THEM!!!)



    - Born to Die Flask (I will legally give you my soul on top of any price, willing to pay some phat stacks for real)

    - Green Lyric Book

    - Blue Lyric Book

    - Paradise Tour Bouquet Shirt

    - Bouquet Lithograph

    - Tropics Poster (The Poster from the Paradise Tour of the Paradise cover!)

    - Tropico Promo cards/posters

    - Her iPhone 4 / 5 case from the Paradise Tour


    - Ultraviolence Lithograph

    - Bee Warrior Print

    - Velvet Print

    - Boyfriend Poster

    - High By The Beach Lithograph

    - Complex Magazine Poster


    - Lust for Life T-Shirt from the pop-up shop that didn't have the tour dates on the back

    - Lime Surfboard Tee

    - Lime Venice Bitch Tee

    - Orange Venice Bitch Tee

    - Pink Venice Bitch Tee

    - White Venice Bitch Crop Top

    - Pink Venice Bitch Crop Top

    - Orange Surfboard Hoodie

    - Any of the Fuck It I Love You Tops or Hoodies from the pop-up

    - Any of the Venice Bitch Snapbacks

    - Any of the Cinnamon Girl Beanies or Snapbacks

    - Red Grey or Black Lana Del Rey beanies


    - Any Cardsleeves!

    - Japanese Promo CD's


    pics or it didn't happen :crossed:

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