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About Mykky

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  1. Only five songs i just have to go to Olympia to see her and listen to the rest of the concert!
  2. Never mind... National anthem is so good
  3. "Ce concert, d'une quarantaine de minutes, sera diffusé le dimanche 18 novembre à partir de 21h40." They said in this article that the concert last 40 minutes.
  4. No information for the moment! You can listen the live on line on the website of the radio.
  5. http://www.cheriefm.fr/radio-103/operations-3272/operation/lana-del-rey-sur-cherie-fm/3399-12264/ This sunday at 21h40 ( french hour)
  6. http://www.pluzz.fr/c-a-vous-la-suite-2012-11-16-20h25.html Hi! You can see the show here, Lana at 2,20 minutes... Enjoy... Lana, see you in Olympia
  7. sold out in 1 minute 30 seconds this morning!!! I'll be there in mezzanine. So happy... And thanks for all information i find here!! ( Yes I'm french and as all french people, my english is very bad!)
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