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Everything posted by GangstaBoy

  1. Why would she drop BJ, one of her most famous/iconic songs?
  2. Shades Of Cool- 39 West Coast - 34 Pretty When You Cry - 5
  3. Team ilovegangstaboy SOC - 36 WC - 26 PWYC - 16
  4. Shades of Cool - 35 West Coast - 24 PWYC - 19 Use colors goddammit
  5. Shades Of Cool - 34 West Coast - 24 Pretty When You Cry - 20
  6. Shades of Cool - 28 West Coast - 34 Pretty When You Cry - 17
  7. VOTE DOWN PWYC INSTEAD Shades of Cool - 24 West Coast - 26 Pretty When You Cry - 23 Old Money - 6
  8. Shades of Cool - 22 West Coast - 27 Pretty When You Cry - 26 Old Money - 5 It's dying
  9. You guys are unbelievable... Florida Kilos? Brooklyn Baby? And now you're voting down Old Money which is one of the best tracks in the album @@GodBlessMe fix your votes Shades of Cool - 21 West Coast - 25 Pretty When You Cry - 26 Old Money - 8
  10. Y'all bitches Old Money is fantastic Shades of Cool - 16 West Coast - 24 Floppy When You Cry - 27 Old Money - 13
  11. Yeah I couldn't agree more. In the end, whatever Lana puts on the table it's gonna be of great quality as almost everything she's released so far. I'm quite confident, I don't know what this album will sound like but I'm positively sure it's gonna slay me back and forth.
  12. @@ilovetati Lana goes Bardot The fact that you guys are far more interested in her hair than the music itself But whatever, BTD Lana is never coming back (I mean sonically) so get lost if you want Emile's overproduction and tiring samples all over again. I'd like a hot summery album as the title MTWBT suggests, but if we keep into account what Lana said it's gonna be jazzy and slow. I'm happy with either of them tbh
  13. Shades of Cool - 12 West Coast - 24 Pretty When You Cry - 30 Old Money - 14
  14. Shades of Cool - 17 - West Coast - 24 Pretty When You Cry - 27 Old Money - 12
  15. The more I think of this 'Revenge Of Lizzy Grant' idea the more I fall in love with it I mean how cool would it be if she transformed her old self into her alter-ego for this next album? It would literally blow everyone away, especially the ones who called -and keep calling- her a fake... It's probably never going to happen but the profile pic Lana uploaded and the photograph Chuck shared are feeding this little dream of mine haha
  16. Shades of Cool - 18 West Coast - 23 Pretty When You Cry - 25 Old Money - 14
  17. Not surprised since this was a mess since the beginning lol @@Elle @@Jack
  18. You always say the right things, hence me liking almost every post of yours
  19. Wait this game is a mess first you had to wait for 3 other people to be able to vote again, then 5 and now 3 again
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