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Everything posted by Waywent

  1. Waywent

    Betty Who

    So I'm currently pursuing her equivalent of Charli's "14".
  2. http://www.hsilondon.co.uk/fish/production/marina-and-the-diamonds/stills/overview New Balslev outtakes!
  3. Waywent

    Betty Who

    Nope! She's currently unsigned.
  4. Waywent

    Betty Who

    She did her EP release show the other night!!! She did a few from The Movement, Fire With Fire, and a new song called "Giving You Away"!
  5. Waywent

    Crooked Cop

    I don't have it.
  6. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    My thirst for 14 has increased dramatically and I think I'm just going to go into hibernation until it leaks, for my health.
  7. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    P.S. Please yell at Madrigal. He's scrobbling "Just Desserts" as "Charli XCX ft. Marina and the Diamonds".
  8. She's the queen of: New York (Us Against The World) Coney Island (Off To The Races, Carmen) The Gas Station (A.K.A.) Disaster The Stage (Hit & Run) Did I miss any?
  9. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    Right, but it's still not a demo and probably shouldn't be called one. As a side note, when they say "guys like you never learn, never learn", anyone else chime with a "never lea-a-aarn!!" a la Stay Away?
  10. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    It's not a demo though. Charli literally called it the "wrong version".
  11. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    Why is it that whenever something is released all people can think about is wanting something else? I seriously can't get enough of Just Desserts.
  12. Waywent

    Charli XCX

  13. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    T.B.H, I bet Phaeleh's getting so sick of getting Jungle emails that basically we should send him so many and we'll only stop sending him emails when he uploads the unremixed song. My sentence structure is terrible up there, good god.
  14. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    Old news, Andrew.
  15. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    You have a Bobby
  16. Waywent

    Betty Who

    Okay, official member of the Who Crew now. She's totally got me hooked.
  17. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    I thought we were doing our top 5 from True Romance. Overall, it'd be: Do It Well Valentine Forgiveness End Of The World Take My Hand
  18. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    Take My Hand What I Like Lock You Up Stay Away How Can I
  19. Waywent

    Charli XCX

    Is it wrong that I feel that You (Ha Ha Ha) actually doesn't fit on the album...?
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