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Everything posted by pinupgirls

  1. Never thought of it that way. I actually do see how that would be beneficial, because that could have the chance to help save lives in the future..........thanks for sharing that. No one deserves to be killed either......and that was their intention. If I did so much as even accidently killed someone via car crash or anything, I for-sure couldn't live with myself. Even though it wasn't my fault.
  2. I would like to ask why........ I don't know. He took 3 peoples lives, why should he still have his?
  3. pinupgirls


    Shes doing a collab with GaGa?!
  4. pinupgirls


    Do we have any Cher fans here? Not Cher Lloyd, the actual Cher. The queen of pop music. Anyone? This is a GREAT song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHhtT5ey7tk
  5. Call me maybe was a one hit wonder also imo. Is it bad I actually find that song somewhat appealing?
  6. Thats so many sales. Go Lana!
  7. How did he accomplish that? Like, one billion is so many. How is he not huge huge? Well maybe he is, but ive only heard of that one song. I think Ride deserves much more many views than it has received. Along with burning desire and carmen.
  8. pinupgirls

    La Roux

    When are they coming back? hopefully soon!
  9. Lanas video "Born to Die" has now reached the wall of fame at the Vevo headquarters for surpassing 100,000,000 views. Lana will be given an award, and be nationally recognized as one of top and most famous artists in the world. Congrats Lana!
  10. pinupgirls

    Safe Haven

    The book was so much better. The fire scene was waaay more tragic in the book because Katie was trapped in the house with the kids. (it was there house in the book) and the kids almost got shot. Why do they always change great scenes in movies
  11. Lana does look better, but Priscilla is extremely gorgeous as usual. She just has this certain look about her that I love.
  12. I wonder if they have ever spoken in real life? This is the only Nancy look that I think really reminds me of Lana.
  13. Of the many photographs ive seen of Priscilla, there are many where her and Lana almost look identical. Ive heard people talk about Lana resembling her before. Do you think Lana ever purposely tries to add a little of Priscillas iconic look into her style? (Young Priscilla before all the surgery, of course.)
  14. I hope she continues this sexy type look for awhile. Do you think has anything to do with the cola video theme coming up? Just a possible connection
  15. pinupgirls

    Safe Haven

    It almost has a horror story type-feel at the beginning of it. Its romantic, but the events that take place are really shocking for a Sparks book.
  16. pinupgirls

    Safe Haven

    Has anyone seen this movie? I actually just finished the book. It was surprisingly good, and I couldn't stop reading it. (Cheers to long nights and tons of caffeinated tea.) It was different than most Nicholas Sparks, it was actually somewhat of a thriller. Just wanted to know your alls thoughts.
  17. pinupgirls

    The Saturdays

    They are from the UK and they now have a show on E! in the USA. So far, I can't get enough of them. Anyone else digging them?
  18. Funny, but she seems more lizzy like now.
  19. Someone recently made a comment about how Lana seems more content and happy in her recent performance. Normally shes portrayed as vintage and "stuck in a different time period" but in her recent performance she had a more carefree rocker chick and she appeared much more comfortable on stage. I don't know about you all, but I looove Lanas vintage looks. Just a thought.
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