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Everything posted by lvrdve

  1. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I was trying to figure out who it reminded me of. Yeah, I agree, the production and the vocal stylings remind me of Grimes. I don’t have any strong feelings about the lyrics, but I’m glad she’s doing something interesting with the sound and has seemingly found her groove again with the production and melodies. For me, even if a song is weak lyrically, good production can still carry it-- which was my main issue with L+F, where the writing was weak and the production felt mediocre. I agree that she still has work to do when it comes to writing, but based on ADIAML and what I’ve heard from the new album, sonically, it feels like she’s slowly clawing her way back to where she used to be-- or at least moving in the right direction.
  2. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Did it really already leak? Lol. What's the track length?
  3. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Samurai was my favorite with Energy and Je Ne Sais Quoi close behind. To me those three had the most interesting production but I honestly really liked all the snippets except for Lazy.
  4. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Just remembered the Covid-19 induced 6 month gap between Man's World and Purge the Poison LMAO. Thinking back on that and how messy the Froot and L+F rollouts were, aside from the snippet leaks, this is seeming like her most normal streamlined roll-out (so far) and thank god for that bc I really forgot how cursed her previous album rollouts have been.
  5. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Some of snippets kinda reminded me of Dua Lipa meets the Fame Monster era Gaga, definitely the most heavy production she's done on any album since Electra Heart though which I find exciting. IIRC she announce ADIAML with Purge the Poison so hopefully the album announcement is imminent? Maybe by the end of the month with a late May-early June release date?
  6. Horrifying to think that given her timelines and behavior for previous releases when we finally do get word from her about this album it's going to be a several week wait before whatever she announces materializes. I kinda wonder if something happened behind the scenes because surely she planned to have something out in time for Stagecoach? Unless she plans to finally do a Chemtrails/BB focused setlist (praying to finally have a live performance of Thunder or IYLDWM). Can you imagine how pissed people would be if she did her typical BTD highlights set at Stagecoach lmao
  7. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    After sitting with the snippets for a bit, I'll say I'm excited for the album. Hard to speak on the lyrics but sonically I find the production and melodies to be a lot more interesting and catchy than ADIAML and L+F. They kinda remind me of Dua Lipa's stuff but with heavier production. Aside from the Lazy snippet which I did not care for, Butterfly so far seems like the weakest track on the album and production-wise it sticks out which iirc she said something about it being a different vibe from the rest of the album, so that tracks. Although then I do kinda wonder why include it but maybe it'll make sense in the context of the album. I don't have any particularly strong feelings about Butterfly but I do wish she had pushed the production further, she was clearly going for a kind of euro-pop vibe but I feel like the slower verses and bridge kinda give whiplash and kill the song's momentum.
  8. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I’m kinda obsessed with Samurai and what I presume is the bridge of energy…
  9. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Not a vinyl collector so the re-release doesn't really mean anything to me but I am hoping that this eventually leads to INHA on streaming. Also just generally confused as to why some people continue to engage with her if they dislike her so much now? I agree that she's kinda fallen off but if it really bothers you that much then idk maybe move on and ignore her instead of sticking around just to shitpost about how much you dislike her? lol.
  10. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I def don't think it's her greatest song but I do think it's a lot more sonically interesting than the stuff on L+F (and 143 for that matter) so I remain hopeful
  11. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    I like it more than I was expecting to, definitely not going to be a favorite of mine or anything but good enough to give me hope for this era I suppose. Aside from the pitching on the vocals I do really like the almost-europop production on the chorus.
  12. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    Also, am I crazy or does the beat kinda sound like the one on Kylie's Can't Get You Out of My Head?
  13. lvrdve

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    She posted a snippet on TikTok! Trying not to get my hopes up but I'm liking the vibe, hopefully this is more of a return to form for her. It seemed like she was slowly getting back there with ADIAML. I am curious about who she's been working with though.
  14. I missed the live, did we get to hear bittersweet or her outro this time?
  15. ugh that venice bitch mix she played is amazing
  16. I wonder what the significance of her using Nature Boy in her intro is? Also wow the A&W pre-chorus sounds amazing live!
  17. Was this a new arrangement for summertime sadness? It sounded different and really good!!
  18. If the surprise isn’t music related and BOZ says that no one’s guessed it yet, so presumably not a tour either, could it be some sort of documentary on LDR or something like that? That’s the only other thing I can think of that might warrant that type of response lol. Plus wasn’t there was a rumor that went around a little while ago that one was in the works?
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