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Posts posted by jazzlessbaby

  1. 7 minutes ago, IanadeIrey said:

    I still think there’s a chance the record will come out on July 4th. Given the hushed nature of this release cycle, I think it would be fitting to just release the record with no formal lead-up other than the 3 singles we already got.

    Unpopular opinion, but I quite like the “purist” approach to releasing music where you just put things out and say nothing else. I think it’s a way of letting the music speak for itself and that’s certainly fitting for the thematic content of the songs we’ve heard from the album. Don’t get me wrong, I love photoshoots and interviews and other goodies, but I am okay with her not doing anything because the music lives on without it! 

    Assuming the album is coming July 4th, I lowkey hope there is no pre-order for the album. The thought absolutely thrills me for some reason. 

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