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Posts posted by wraith

  1. She's pretty much broke America with one song but I feel like she won't release it there because they will be expecting an album full of Clarity's even when she stated her material is nothing like that. 

    thats a point, i just feel like its unfair on the fans that do know her and love her. I guess they will just have to get the CD imported or illegally download i suppose

  2. They all ship from the UK so it's going to take longer to arrive in the US also the security checks takes a while too

    yeah, i was just guessing because many americans had said theres had arrived this week

    still don't understand why the album isn't on iTunes, especially after the success of clarity

  3. I ordered it like in March. From her official store. I live near Detroit, MI so.


    I believe they have started to arrive in the US, so I'm guessing it will probably arrive in the next few days for you

  4. Does any one know where the optimists believe part in TTG is from?

    ""Talking to Ghosts" samples "Dr. Mabuse" presented by Propoganda and Produced by Trevor Horn"


    I'm guessing that is it

  5. Haha I have the album sampler with it on :P I was just wondering why no-one has talked about the awful transition where the 3rd chorus used to be

    oh right, thought you were requesting it! never mind!

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