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Posts posted by wraith

  1. Sometimes registering is easy and other times you have to write a paragraph on why you need access to the site e.g. Universal. 

    If you need the snippets I can send them. 

    i could just iMessage you this but are the snippets the LQ ones from soundcloud? 

  2. 99% of the diamonds think that the demo is the final version only because they audio quality is higher than the vinyl-rip LQ audio from the final version.

    they are different but not a lot

    i think the instrumental is the same one but she recorded new vocals in the studio. thats about it.

  3. The Hangover? Is a Foxes song?

    yeah its from her "loui rose" days

    along with a bunch of others like The Long Way Home, Cowboys and Indians and X-Ray Vision (and more but i can't be bothered to list them)

    and before you ask, no i don't have them. only a one or two people do

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