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Everything posted by Wilde_child

  1. I remember when they split up. It was the right decision, they loved each other but it was bringing Lana down.
  2. I don't remember her name but it's a girl she's seen with on Instagram and stuff. Someone on Facebook told me.
  3. I'm always the last one to get the news or bad news. I thought they were engaged. I only found out Chuck was into girls a few months ago. Maybe Lana is already interested in someone else. She's every guy's dream girl IMHO.
  4. Now that it was postponed, there's a chance I can save money until December to go see Lana. I hope she still comes.
  5. I'm not going to Lolla here (Brazil), but she has a big passionate fanbase here and I hope she comes.
  6. Oh really? I'm the problem because I stick up for Lana? If anyone can say what they want, so can I but don't worry, this forum is no longer a safe place for me, I don't plan on engaging on future threads. I apologised to you but you seem to hold a grudge against me, it's not my problem anymore.
  7. I don't know you so I can't judge you but the way you refer to Lana is very disrespectful, you seem to want to prove what her real intentions are, but you can't. Lana does not try to take advantage of any minorities, she writes how things feel to her, many songs are autobiographical. I don't feel she tries to take advantage of native Americans culturally. You mention the Amazonian indigenous people. I have native Brazilian indigenous blood from my grandmother and I can say I don't feel offended by Lana at all.
  8. No, no, mate, I was not referring to you about the evil and hurtful things said. I meant I react like that because of stuff people go on about which are not truthful. Lana is a good soul and she deserves love, not negative criticism. She gives us so many beautiful things. I liked your post, you're not judgemental.
  9. I just wish they leave Lana in peace to create, and she's a genius at that. A lot of things said here are fucking evil and hurtful.
  10. This place is forever ruined.
  11. You have no right to call anyone an ignorant. You obviously think you're so knowledgeable and superior to other Lana fans. When did you start listening to her?
  12. Lanaboards used to be a great place for Lana fans but is now filled with haters and opportunists, who don't get Lana. And no one does anything about it.
  13. How dare you call me an ignorant? You know squat about me.
  14. Jesus Christ, why all this over-analysing after some poetry she posted? Some of you are nurturing hate towards her like it feeds you. I wouldn't be on a fan forum just to judge every move an artist makes. Her intention is not to insult native americans, calling her racist is too much. I can't take this anymore.
  15. I'm not afraid of you. Why reply to my dm two months later?
  16. Obsessed? I don't give a damn about you, but this constant bashing and negativity gets annoying. You're not even a fan.
  17. About LDR being public and posting photos of her and the boyfriend before, I remember a couple of photos with Barrie on Twitter (can't recall if it was Lana or Barrie posting) and Barrie posting about Lana on Instagram. Also, she took him to events and stuff. With Francesco there were paparazzi pics everywhere... And I remember her being photographed with him and his mum at an event. .
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