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Posts posted by Wilde_child

  1. Oh really? I'm the problem because I stick up for Lana?

    If anyone can say what they want, so can I but don't worry, this forum is no longer a safe place for me, I don't plan on engaging on future threads.

    I apologised to you but you seem to hold a grudge against me, it's not my problem anymore.


    I daresay there's only one person who's the problem here, and that person needs to either take their complaints to DMs rather than repeatedly derailing threads, or (preferably) get a grip and get over it.

  2. I don't know you so I can't judge you but the way you refer to Lana is very disrespectful, you seem to want to prove what her real intentions are, but you can't. Lana does not try to take advantage of any minorities, she writes how things feel to her, many songs are autobiographical. I don't feel she tries to take advantage of native Americans culturally.


    You mention the Amazonian indigenous people.

    I have native Brazilian indigenous blood from my grandmother and I can say I don't feel offended by Lana at all.



    can you pls point out where i was ignorant or acting superior to anyone? so sorry that standing up for adequate acknowledgment of the struggles of indigenous people by an actually ignorant rich artist with a massive platform and history of racist bullshit is so troubling to you. do you have an opinion of your own you'd like to share, or just more whining about other people's?

  3. No, no, mate, I was not referring to you about the evil and hurtful things said. I meant I react like that because of stuff people go on about which are not truthful.

    Lana is a good soul and she deserves love, not negative criticism. She gives us so many beautiful things.

    I liked your post, you're not judgemental.



    Really ?! you are upset about my post ?

    I thought I wrote something witty, and meaningful, so you would understand and not get mad at everyone.

    What part does it upset you ?

    What have I said that is so " fucking evil and hurtful " ?


    Please, read what I wrote again.

    If you need me to translate it to your language, I can also do that.

  4. I just wish they leave Lana in peace to create, and she's a genius at that.

    A lot of things said here are fucking evil and hurtful.


    You are quite right.

    I only come here for the free beer and the Wi-Fi.

    Ok, sometimes the free Dorito chips too ! :teehee:

    But I cannot be considered a hater or opportunist, I actually love her music. Her voice is a delight to my ears and some times my heart.

    Her face is cute and I admire her stylish ways. She is still sexy after all these years (to my eyes).


    What she does with her personal life is all up to her. Be it cool or crazy, smart or bizarre, funny or sad.

    She is a free woman and can very well enjoy her life. I don´t care what she does and sometimes I don´t even understand some of it.

    I don´t follow her on Tweeter or Instagram or whatever, so I cannot be considred a serious fan, I am just a good admirer of her musical style.


    So, I do not think everyone in this forum is , or has become, too crazy.

    - Trust me, I have been in the craziest of forums before, which I will not mention by name here in public, due to the FBI coming knocking on our doors once. :P Its still part of the internet legend.

    LANABOARDS is not one of these.

    Here, It is just a few people like to express themselves, in a diferent way, but no one needs to take their words to heart. It´s just words of opinion written on

    a post like the other billions of posts made everyday - in every other forum on this planet.


    Wilde_Child don´t get upset about it.

    Bebe uma caipirinha e fica tudo bem outra vez :)

  5. You have no right to call anyone an ignorant. You obviously think you're so knowledgeable and superior to other Lana fans.

    When did you start listening to her?



    who is asking anyone to censor themselves except the people telling me to shut up with my analysis? i never said anything about that, and it's a bad faith argument to pretend anyone here is saying "you are not allowed to express yourself!!!" ... anyone can do what they want, but you have to allow people to respond how they want. you can talk about whatever you want, and people can respond however they want. idk where this idea that people arent allowed to say some shit comes in. if you talk about something in an ignorant way, like Lana does and has, someone may use their freedom to express themselves to express their issues with whatever. it goes both ways.


    as for what you want to make art about, i've heard a common phrase "write what you know"... you dont have to follow this, whatever. but people say that because you are going to have the most meaningful perspective about something you know that affects you. if youre writing about something youve never experienced, what are you bringing to the table regarding those experiences? it comes with the potential of backlash from people who do have those experiences / think youve got it wrong / or whatever the case may be. do what you will, but be aware that the rest of the world will do what they will as well.


    i mean this in the most respectful and genuine way

  6. Lanaboards used to be a great place for Lana fans but is now filled with haters and opportunists, who don't get Lana. And no one does anything about it.



    You make it sound like lanaboards is a hostage situation for you :poordat:

  7. How dare you call me an ignorant?

    You know squat about me.


    Allllllright now seems like a good time to remind the more ignorant stans here (Wilde Childe) that intention does not outweigh impact. Tf are good intentions worth?

  8. Jesus Christ, why all this over-analysing after some poetry she posted? Some of you are nurturing hate towards her like it feeds you.

    I wouldn't be on a fan forum just to judge every move an artist makes.

    Her intention is not to insult native americans, calling her racist is too much.

    I can't take this anymore.

  9. I'm not afraid of you. Why reply to my dm two months later?


    You literally have replied to me soooo many times and told me to shut up 'n' shit, not to mention randomly DMing me.


    You didn't say anything to anyone else in this thread - including the person who said she was half-arsed in the first place - you just come straight for me, without contributing anything else.


    Use the ignore function. Leave me aloen.

  10. About LDR being public and posting photos of her and the boyfriend before, I remember a couple of photos with Barrie on Twitter (can't recall if it was Lana or Barrie posting) and Barrie posting about Lana on Instagram. Also, she took him to events and stuff.

    With Francesco there were paparazzi pics everywhere... And I remember her being photographed with him and his mum at an event.


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