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Posts posted by Wilde_child

  1. I don't think it is pro rape. IMO it depicts various forms of violence. The shooter scene reminded me of Anders Behring Breivik though.


    Excuse me for my ignorance but. Can anyone tell me how the video's(atleast Lana's scene) considered "pro-rape"? I mean I kind of felt bad for Lana and her character during the scene and wanted to kill the guy. So I don't see it as glamorizing rape cause I myself didn't feel the video was "hot". If anything, we were meant to feel sorry for the girl.


    The only glamorous thing I saw was the camera angles and HD'ness, slow-motion effects and stuff but not the rape scene.


    Can anyone enlighten me? :)

  2. Yes, it really gets to me. Lovely and dramatic.


    i have most of lana's unreleased songs but i somehow missed this one until about a month ago.


    i can't believe what i was missing. does anyone else feel very strongly about this song? there is something so fucking tragic & nostalgic about it that i get emotional every time i listen to it.

  3. I once saw Lana reply that people could choose to call her either Lana or Lizzy.


    Good question! I once read in an interview that her friends and family use both. I took that to mean her family and friends who knew her before she became Lana. With new friends since being Lana, my guess is they call her Lana. Probably depends on how she introduces herself, though, too. :) I don't think she legally changed her name, so on her driver's license and passport, it probably still says Elizabeth Grant.

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