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Everything posted by MoreCruelThanYou

  1. Hope is good but it has like zero replay value. sorry I dont make the rulez
  2. That would make sense if we were going by normal person logic... which we’re not, so its probably coming in November
  3. Hunty no, I’m sry, not unless there’s a major to minor key change and a drastic retardando when it comes to the tempo... no, I’m sry
  4. Yea, but her label does. Like I said, I’m purely speculating. I just wish Lana would come out w the tracklist so we could know for sure
  5. Yes, but she’s getting so many streams from it. It wouldnt make sense not to include that on the album
  6. If Doin’ Time is on the record though it’ll def be the last song bc she always does that with her covers. If you listen to Venice Bitch with Doin’ Time right after it, it sounds right but yea obvi its all speculation still
  7. I just want to see the headlines “Lana fans finally heckle her off the stage after delaying her album again”
  8. 1. Norman Fucking Rockwell 2. Mariners Apartment Complex 3. Cinnamon 4. In Your Car 5. Hope Is a Dangerous Thing 6. Happiness is a Butterfly 7. Hey Blue Baby 8. I Must Be Stupid For Being So Happy 9. Be Stronger - Lying In My Arms 10. ? 11. How to Disappear 12. Venice Bitch 13. Doin’ Time An actual educated guess. Listen to the songs, snippets, lives in this order it just flows (chord progression wise). 10 could hypothetically be Bartender, I’m not even sure thats a possibility by this point though. If Doin’ Time and the two folk songs aren’t actually on the record that’s four songs we haven’t heard yet.
  9. Okay so I’m just saying this now: at the next show if I she gets on the stage and says “I’m sorry I made a mistake, its 3 months instead of 2 sorry everyone” I fully expect everyone there to boo her off the stage. Like enough w the disrespect
  10. Anyways, stream Some Things Last a Long Time while we wait for Lana to do something https://picosong.com/6piu/
  11. Just listened to the Cinnamon clips again... Jack did NOT have to snap on the production like that!
  12. I actually just want the full title track rn its so beautiful, it sounds like One and Only by Adele mixed with Beautiful Disaster by Kelly Clarkson (the live piano version) along w hints of this song from the Marie Antoinette movie https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F6dGAZTj8xA Idk, the whole thing just feels like Lana’s most personal song to date, a secret glimpse inside her mind, so intimate and sappy and beautiful I just need it rn
  13. Universe as it Once Was and World on a Petal sound fake deep. Time Stops & Lake Placid would actually be pretty amazing though
  14. Wait I actually love this aside from the unfortunate font https://scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/540cd998b13f81431d61bc919329bc46/5D667388/t51.2885-15/e35/s480x480/54510940_2255222018052893_7408134641376209209_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-iad3-1.cdninstagram.com
  15. Omfgggg Summer Blues was originally titled Blue Summer in my head, Lavender Kisses was originally Lilac and Lace, A Day Without You was Better Without You. Let’s turn this into MoreCruelThanYou boards pls & thx
  16. But for real I was thinking of what some of the other song titles might be from tracks we’ve not heard anything about yet, and my predictions looked something like this: Lavender Kisses Pen and Paper Because You Love Me A Day Without You Summer Blues Waves
  17. Uhm first of all how dare you use my pic w o my (or Rorman’s) permission
  18. There is a cover of Radiohead’s No Surprises floating around out there, yall do know this right?
  19. I dont like Melanie as much as the next person but pls, lets come up w a better insult than “oh your opinion’s invalid bc you listen to ‘X’” that argument is sad and tired and boring.
  20. Lana needs at least one scrapped music video per album cycle: Dark Paradise, PWYC, Honeymoon, Cherry, who will be next?
  21. Cherry Blossom is beautifully underrated w one of the best bridges she’s ever written imo. Wild One is meh after the first 1000 listens
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