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Everything posted by MoreCruelThanYou

  1. Honestly, I don’t care if the album has five songs total (Cinnamon, NFR, IYC, HTD, & HIAB), 33 songs with half of them filler, or if the album cover is her in a brown paper bag with mud smeared all over it. I am just going to be happy we get to see the tracklist/ album cover
  2. Wait did the Harper’s Bazaar Brazil interview actually have any info or no lol
  3. https://www.instagram.com/p/BomJTTKH-pr/?igshid=1xbbfif7nuby This account is bae
  4. Omg Rorman, you to me when I don’t post our album cover
  5. Ooh and the pink seashell iphone case from the venice bitch video I think if she had released Doin Time and THEN Hope it wouldve been received better
  6. Ohp, I’m sorry you’re a black womens’ rights activist now!!! Silly me
  7. https://www.instagram.com/p/ByQh5JtHFiM/?igshid=u305kewf33qh The caption, are you really going to tell me that this is not internalized homophobia? And fem shaming
  8. @lmdr Girl, gone. Go back to the hole you crawled out of
  9. @GarlandRose Gurl bye, go cover your tracks elsewhere. I just meant that in the CHAT bunoner’s name was Cult singer. Although, I do have DMs of them confirming they are Cult Singer but what ev
  10. Oh I’m sorry, its all okay now bc you have your token trans in the chat. Sorry, my mistake. And idk, maybe you have internalized homophobia? Maybe you just think you’re better than every other gay person. YOU make it make sense babe, you’re the one who said the shit
  11. That honestly wasnt what I was talking about but thats kind of embarassing and shows you’re trying to cover your own tracks from the fact that you looked for that chat
  12. Kk well dont come on here talking about Lana acting like ur some LGBTQ activist when you literally make jokes about how gay ppl deserve to die on a discord chat and make fun of trans people feeling gender dysphoria in your chat pls and thx luv
  13. Bla bla bla deflect and make jokes but the facts speak for themselves
  14. I mean still I’m sure Eclipse doesn’t appreciate being called fat, short, ugly, a creep and a pedophile but here we are
  15. And Zanella creeps inside Lana’s computer, James creeps on Rick Nowels email, and so on and so forth so I guess we’re all even
  16. I’m glad you think its a joke to make fun of people w AIDS, and to lie about people and say they have STDs and to fatshame them. You really just proved my point that you’re a scummy human being There are many more screenshots of the leakers dragging users and mods on here, making fun of Lana fans, making homophobic, fatphobic, racist and transphobic remarks if anyone cares to see
  17. https://we.tl/t-TPvbCH9IiN These are the screenshots of say yes to heaven implying that Eclipse has AIDS. The caption for the snapchat in the first pic says “pmfg my fatgay friend with aids” and then Say yes to heaven (Chloe) says “that’s literally Hakan[:] the [same] aura, the weight, the [same] STD”. Hakan is @@Eclipse in case that wasnt clear
  18. https://we.tl/t-orDtZJF8JN Okay these are the screenshots showing that the leakers know that Eclipse is a pedophile. Chloe is say yes to heaven, Cult Singer is @@bunoner
  19. You literally said “I am Gay but I hate gay people, I hate their attitudes I hate how fem they are” and were making fun of someone who had AIDS and were implying that Eclipse had AIDS & I have screenshots bb cakes
  20. Luv weren’t you the one saying you hate gay people in the discord chat and making fun of people with AIDS??
  21. yesss I get this way with the good life, tomorrow never came demo, and cinnamon and it gives me the biggest frickin ocd to not be able to listen to them
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