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Everything posted by MoreCruelThanYou

  1. actual footage of me getting my soul snatched immediately after hearing the album in full for the first time
  2. hold up, you played Hope for your English teacher?? Lana having an affair w her teacher at boarding school teas
  3. Mac & Vb are still very sweet but lets get real. You don't release songs and then put them on your album a year later and expect them to still be fresh. hope is cute and nothing more
  4. California, The Greatest, & Love Song are the Holy Trinity. Bartender is untouchable. Cinnamon Girl, HTD, and TNBAR are a slay. The four singles she already released are past their prime, its true, but MAC & VB are still looking very nice in the rearview mirror. FIILY, HIAB, & title track are cute. There are no bad songs. Say it with me ladies, NO BAD SONGS edit: oop i forgot about hope
  5. no, but the tracks are up on iTunes with the pre-order of the album miss '5 posts'
  6. Its sad but true that Doin' Time should have been edited to include extended ad lib vocals on the album, VB should have been extended to 12 minutes with the instrumentals from her festival tour, and hope should have been remastered with a full orchestra instrumental and background vocals, but instead lazy Lana decided to leave stale, year old tracks on the album the way they are. The only thing that was perfect as is was Mariners God Complex
  7. Top 10 Lana Unreleased (in order from best to worst): 1 Cherry Blossom 2 Fine China 3 Your Girl 4 Wild One 5 Say Yes to Heaven 6 Hey You 7 Angels Forever, Forever Angels 8 On Our Way 9 Hundred Dollar Bill 10 Serial Killer Honorable Mention (in order from best to worst): 1 JFK 2 Hit and Run 3 Live or Die 4 I Don't Wanna Go 5 Big Bad Wolf I'm sorry, I do NOT make the rules. These are the untouchables, enjoy ladiez
  8. NFR! > UV > AKBAE > Born to Deliver > Honeysnooze > Parasite > Lust for Flops Is that clear everyone? I'm sorry I don't make the rulez hunties; it is what it 'tis
  9. I can't believe sum of u actually wasted valuable space on page 3000 by arguing
  10. One without the gun where the moth can freely fly... so touching and heartbreaking at the same time Fuck it I moth you
  11. if taylor sexman doesn't le*k today it's truly over for us until the 30th
  12. No nothing’s le*ked yet obvi, just wondering where every1 stands on listening to the whole album right away or saving a little something for release day to keep things exciting. With LFL I listened to a few tracks like Cherry and White Mustang right away but left a good amount of tracks for when it actually came out in stores
  13. Okay OT from LFA (technically it has its own thread) but if NFR le*ks will you ladies listen to the whole thing? I think I’ll just listen to HTD, Cinnamon, HIAB, & NFR since we’ve been waiting so long for those and also Bartender bc its so gorgeous. And then save the last five for the day her record drops
  14. Omg i truly didnt know what it was how do i delete a post...
  15. I dont think anyone is arguing against that. I think we’re just contemplating, as listeners of her music, whether or not her message is disingenuous based on her actions. That’s fair, right?
  16. Two songs this month plus the album, ladies set the table we are being FED
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