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West Coast

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Posts posted by West Coast

  1. 12 minutes ago, Mer said:


    you can go through my post history. My criticism of Kim was completely unrelated to her until someone quoted me and changed my words. After that I made 4 allusions to everything being about her without her even being there, because other people kept posting about it. Don't ever try and BS me with your cheap semantics. I didn't start any of this so go take it up with the person who quoted me and did. CC: @West Coast


    and that's my last post on the topic. 

    Lmfao I'm not active enough to engage with that petty shit :brigitte:

  2. Dua stans definitely convinced themselves that she was the saviour of pop music given the success she had with FN--but this album is kinda dull? I think she overpromised the whole "70s psychedelia" sound, because that vibe is just not there lol. It's not a bad album, but it sure ain't a memorable one, it's pretty generic.

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