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Posts posted by sophiesmom

  1. And btw she was clearly not attacking  or accusing those women, she was just providing examples. Yes, she should've been smarter, but also people need to get better in text comprehension. It's not her fault the web is full of functional illetarates. 


    yea but she kinda invalidated the other artists experiences regarding the same issue.


    she might not wanted to bash them and actually support them, but wording is important when it comes to these issues and no name dropping was needed

  2. ...


    so you'd rather it stay unreleased for ever in the form of your fictional non-existent EP than an official release....? Girl what


    jsjsjsj noooo, just that in my fantasy there was room for a party-inspired EP, just like Vroom Vroom back in the days... 


    party4u is actually my fave from the album, but i will say it kinda feels somewhat messy that leaked songs are still floating around without a proper release. The knowledge that there are still some other unreleased songs still waiting in xcx hard drive for who knows when that would get along sooo well leaves me a bit uneasy  

  3. imagine if one week prior to the release of masochism she would put out "Guardian" as a standalone single to get the music community start talking about her again on twitter 



  4. boys will be boys... I'm sorry but thats a hell of a cringy song 


    if you're offended by this song, you're clearly doing something wrong" – girl wha 

  5. there's not one single skip in this whole album and I'm LIVENG



    few things bother me more than the transition from darkseid to delete forever

    and I personally LOVE the transition, I don't know why but it just works for me 

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