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Roll With me

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Everything posted by Roll With me

  1. I think there was another web earlier this week who said FIILY on Friday and The Greatest on Saturday and then Eclipse/Ultrasubversive confirmed it and added the video is also out on Saturday
  2. Well, that's how we got so many songs. We should be used to Lana not saying anything tbh
  3. I don't think Lana has ever done a midnight PST release, she always releases the music at local midnight so we get it from NZ first unless it's released through radio
  4. Most excited: The Greatest, Love Song, NFR, Cinnamon Girl Least excited: How To Disappear
  5. I guess people want to wait for the whole album since we already know 4 full songs, the demo of another one, the acoustic version of another and snippets of all of them I want to wait but I know my willpower is literally non-existent so who knows if I'll end up listening or waiting... If a video is released then I'll have to watch it for sure
  6. The signed stuff can't be pre-ordered by people outside the UK? They won't ship it?
  7. Seems like Lana is out with Chuck and Charlie and Chuck is recording things, is she going to be the director of the music video? She better stay away
  8. Maybe a digital bonus track like Is This Happiness? But certainly not for physical releases of the record
  9. Guillermo Del Toro realising that even tho he asked Lana to release the cover or invited her to the Walk Of Fame event, her fans won't pay to watch the film:
  10. No one is getting warning points since none of us have either listened or shared the song
  11. If you google "Lana Del Rey Season Of The Witch" and look at the results from the last hour you will NOT find the song online on a Russian web. Warning you so that you DON'T do it
  12. Which songs from NFR you wouldn't mind if she didn't include them on the setlist? For me right now would be: Doin' Time, How To Disappear, California (I like the track but I don't know for the setlist), Bartender (same as California), Hope and maybe even HIAB The MUST for me are certainly Cinnamon Girl, TNBAR, VB, MAC and The Greatest
  13. And she's recording a Grease inspired music video this weekend
  14. Well, it's our decision to play this music as we want and whether we want to wait for the album without listening to snippets or listen to what's being out. We've waited 11 longass months so I don't think it's to be blamed on us the fact that we're all hungry
  15. Send them to me too please, I'm looking for them everywhere now since I can't access the webs where they were posted anymore
  16. Can someone get a picosong link with all the snippets? I like to keep them as memories of pre-release eras
  17. Aren't you all curious for the title track? We've had 3 snippets and it's always from the same part so we basically know 1 minute out of the 5 minutes the song has. I know she's saving something from that song
  18. Not trashing HTD, just that I think the rest of the album is spectacular and I also hate Yayo Paradise version
  19. The Greatest > Cinnamon Girl > NFR = Love Song > California > HIAB > Fuck It I Love You > TNBAR > Bartender >>> HTD
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