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Posts posted by Ziad

  1. After viewing the mess on the ATRL thread about who's gonna be number 1, I'm thinking about connecting my desktop computer  to apple music and have it constantly streaming LFL on mute for the whole week through. Would this make any kind of a difference in the long run if it was for a whole week? 

    Shuffle though so the Apple music gods don't think you're a robot.


    But we never were, so why you trippin'?
    You a mom and pop, I'm a corporation,
    I'm the, press conference, you're a conversation.
    Ahhh Ohhhh.
    Why you so obsessed with me?
    And boy I want to know, lyin' that you're sexing me.
    When everybody knows, it's clear that you're upset with me.
    Ohh, finally found a girl that you couldn't impress,
    Last man on the earth, still couldn't get this.
    You're delusional, you're delusional,
    Boy you're losing your mind. (Mind)
    It's confusing yo, you're confused you know,
    Why you wasting your time? (Mind)
    Got you all fired up, with your Napoleon complex,
    Seein' right through you like you're bathin' in Windex.
    Ooh Ohh Ohh.
    Boy why you so obsessed with me?



    Grow up.

  3. Oh yeah I didn't respond because you seemed like a needy sack of shit  :ohno:

    What kind of bird was it? I would have preferred if a sloth told you  :defeated:

    I'll message you my amazon wishlist  :creep:

    Oh you love Iron Maiden :O Is Bruce your favorite singer too?  :flutter:

    Grace & Frankie is so great. Do you like Jane Fonda?  :usrs:


    I'm starting to remember why we broke up...

  4. Do I even know you? Have we ever spoken at all? 

    You seem super gorgeous tbh


    wut...yeah i like sent u a message a few weeks ago asking for a lana megapost. omg i luv u so much and i miss u cuz u r not on here alot :((


    a little birdie told me to tell u to keep ur eyes open for a package coming ur way... : > (in my mind tho. i didnt send it yet)


    omg do u want anything specific? i keep hearing stuff about how i am supposedly super rich so i can get u a lot of stuff if u let me win this : >


    omg i luv iron maiden and grace and frankie.

  5. Actually I don't. Can you send me a link please? Because last I recall, I still haven't met @@longtimeman and you still lied about making me a kickstarter #disqualified  :crossed:


    Honey, it's been up and running for a few months now. You just... can't see it?


    Also, where's my iMac?

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