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About longtimeman

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    It would have been dramatic.

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  1. I looked on Google Scholar and although there are quite a few articles on Lana, none seemed to specifically be about water. Do you have access to academic journals? If you're doing any sort of post-secondary study, you should be able to access these. On your subject, I'm glad somebody's looking into this! I had the idea a few months ago of writing about her connection more specifically to 'the Ocean', but your topic is just as interesting. If you end up doing any writing, I'd love to see it.
  2. Other than shit talking them, I can't remember Lana ever acknowledging a remix.
  3. There's a few of us, but most I meet here or elsewhere tend to be older (not elderly, as some would have us, but let's just say older than Lana herself).
  4. If nothing else, it will make sure she'll never shop there again.
  5. Yep. We've been over this a lot of times, but it makes no sense that it took a whole lot of managers years to come up with a pretty straight forward 'artist name' for her, and much more logical that she just liked the name, and came up with some different ideas, and variations on it before settling on the one that is on the all of her records.
  6. It's impossible to make the last few pages any more dumb.
  7. I was just thinking this. There is and will be absolute chaos online, and later on when they move to wherever they go, but at least her special day wasn't ruined by paparazzi or lunatics.
  8. Literally speechless, but in a good way. I wish her and them all the best forever, no matter what.
  9. I could fill a thread of 'Amazing Music' that not a single person on this message board would appreciate (well, that might be an exaggeration - a few people would enjoy it, but i could name them all).
  10. I'm glad my joke answers didn't make the cut. Revolution 9 is a great track, though.
  11. Of course it was. The idea that she sat watching the debate and then tapped that out ... well, she's not Lana. As for everyone saying that the moderators should have shut Trump up - the best thing for the Democrats is for him to ramble, and the general public to hear more and more of what he is like, as one journalist said, to remind them why they hated him last time.
  12. I've never listened to them (and I'm not about to start now), but even just reading their name gives me a headache,
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