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Everything posted by PlaceboHoliday

  1. I doubt people will even have time or chance to ask her how she is considering how busy her festival tour is. But I would die for new info about the album and I hope she pulls a honeymoon and sings it at one of the shows.
  2. 2 Days, 9 Hours, 9 Mins 1 Day, 5 Hours, 39 Mins 9 Hours, 45 Mins
  3. Hopefully you find this exact image in HQ
  4. Again can someone turn this into a cover like the other thread, I want it so bad
  5. It appears to me your standards are a bit too high for Lana.this is how Lana performs and Honestly this is how I like her to perform. Her songs are always "slow" for someone who enjoys upbeat music generally. Lana is not an entertainer she's musician and these are her songs and the type of performances she provides Yesterday wasn't her day because of the audience that came for Bruce Springsteen but this show proved otherwise with the right audience. And its not even a fan thing anyone who is willing to see her and interacts would get a great experience like tonight. I was bummed last night but I'm so happy that the Russian audience gave her the atmosphere she derseved to give a great show like this. It seems she's not your type of a performer so if you didn't like this you might not like a single show of hers
  6. She's leaving now ♡ this show was amazing Just so great
  7. She's going down yess♡ Honestly her Russians fans deserve personal hugs too
  8. ♡♡♡♡ what!!! OTTR , of course
  9. Heaven is a place on earth with you♡
  10. ♡♡♡♡♡♡ Yayo ♡♡♡♡♡♡
  11. This show needs to be archived She's talking about the guitar ♡♡
  12. This show is amazing but I think there's no use of downloading these periscopes cause of how messy most are. The good one keeps ending, I'm praying so hard that someone uploads videos on youtube.
  13. Closer and closer https://www.periscope.tv/w/alFL6TFlV0t5WFJKR2tiUUF8MWdxR3ZNTk93V1JLQjyoJ9UN6fl5WygEojf4d_7O6toreeCJ95uCc4uD0f7i
  14. I prefer watching this if he just didn't end 2 times He's on now https://www.periscope.tv/w/alFLczFlV0t5WFJKR2tiUUF8MUJkR1lYRVdQTURLWC6ilXx9_ovA9gnG8i_6TnMnD-DUMusn_Xhc4xT7yyny
  15. https://www.periscope.tv/w/alFKnDFlV0t5WFJKR2tiUUF8MXluSk9QRFdNd094UgzL_1M_L9upBggXbeZ5xmNMJLVCdmK2i_UEM86e-tPE
  16. https://www.periscope.tv/w/alFJ6TFlV0t5WFJKR2tiUUF8MWRSSlpWZG56RGFKQn2RqPAigLYyJEIRp2Qd_BCDr2c_BsJ8GIHJ_B_4hYMc
  17. "How fucking cool are you guys" They made her day :')
  18. I love the guitar in Lolita They are singing along :')
  19. Is that the backup dancers singing iust have fun And .... here's the "Ahh"
  20. https://www.periscope.tv/w/alFFkjFlV0t5WFJKR2tiUUF8MVlwSmtwbG5ZYUV4alz2DSzDZU5EKNtAilUm4zmhQ_HLQlXxkowYjCArOcTf Hope he doesn't end again
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