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Posts posted by PlaceboHoliday

  1. I watched on periscope the entire show. These are my observations:


    The good:

    - Yayo was an eerie experience

    - There were many Lana fans

    - There were no backing tracks

    - OTTR was pretty good (but she run away with no encore again)


    The bad:

    - Overall was an incredibly boring experience. Now I understand the clueless Belgians: if you’re not a Lana fan, sitting through her show can be a chore. Why is her show boring? Well firstly, Lana is not there: her delivery is lethargic, she has no energy and her voice is weak. Her band is becoming bland tbh. Secondly, her playlist is plagued with a lot of slow songs that she didn’t sing well (BTD, Ride was horrible, Carmen). This is not a festival setlist, period.

    - She cannot interact with the audience. Her attempts were pathetic, like a shy schoolgirl that is for the first time on stage. When those nobodies’ backup bitches were next to her they exuded more confidence than Lana.

    - Her voice was all over the place too many times. The fact that she cannot control her voice in live settings is disheartening.

    - The setlist is an incoherent mess, those interludes about the moon were out of place.


    In conclusion, I’m convinced that the decision to do a festival tour was a really bad one because she’s not in the position to hold her headline status. Her show is weak and I say this as a Lana fan, imagine how a non-fan will react to this boring mess. Unfortunately she woke up to late to improve her show, the backup girls are underused and misused in the same time in my opinion. But the main problem is Lana herself: her voice was tragic sometimes, she butchered Ride and she improvised badly on to many songs where she couldn’t hold the tune. I have a negative feeling about this tour but this is the consequence of not taking seriously and professionally your career

    It appears to me your standards are a bit too high for Lana.

    this is how Lana performs and Honestly this is how I like her to perform.

    Her songs are always "slow" for someone who enjoys upbeat music generally.

    Lana is not an entertainer she's musician and these are her songs and the type of performances she provides


    Yesterday wasn't her day because of the audience that came for Bruce Springsteen but this show proved otherwise with the right audience.

    And its not even a fan thing anyone who is willing to see her and interacts would get a great experience like tonight.

    I was bummed last night but I'm so happy that the Russian audience gave her the atmosphere she derseved to give a great show like this.


    It seems she's not your type of a performer so if you didn't like this you might not like a single show of hers

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