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Posts posted by PlaceboHoliday

  1. If she's gonna perform alongside the weeknd she might sing her own songs first then as the weeknd performs they do their duet or vice versa, although I highly doubt that.

    Obviously she'll sing Video games and I also doubt she'll perform anything from ultraviolence or honeymoon except maybe west coast.

    Somehow I'm pretty confident she'll perform young and beautiful in the presence of Leonardo Dicaprio.

    I also doubt Blue Jeans has a chance in such events since the SNL thing, also I don't think there's a reason to sing it there.


    - Video Games

    - Young & Beautiful

    - Prisoner (as a later duet)


    And I can't honestly think of any other, despite the fact that Honeymoon songs would be more fitting for the atmosphere of the event.

  2. Something odd about the music used in the remix, but I can't get my head over it.

    The birds in the beginning gave me a blissful morning vibe, and the music is quite fitting and complementing the lullaby.

    I only listened to Smile's remix before so I didn't know of KM at all and so I freaked out as I heard this :worship: 

  3. His music is slow, acoustic and mostly bad ?  :facepalm:


    Lol. This is better than anything The Black Keys tried so hard to achieve in Turn Blue album.

    Sounds good, perhaps she could be inspired by the guitar in this.. :bop: A Semi ultraviolence maybe.


    I first thought they were just doing a shopping together just to have enough food in the studio as if they are locking themselves or something :rip:

    didn't occur to me that they might be going out together, especially since I thought she takes her time between relationships.. I see her taste in musicians :w8ing: 

  4. Cherry Blossom was a pleasant surprise from her, I wonder if she wrote other lullabies.

    I would love she from time to time released similar videos of her singing short segments of what she possibly wrote or at least more lullabies, although that might not be a possible thing for her to do.

  5. Ultraviolence was a great video, I follow this Arabic Lana Del Rey fan account which translates her lyrics and does full analysis of her Music videos and many things surrounding her. The account recently did an analysis of Ultraviolence both the music and Video plus a post surrounding who Jimmy is, and I assure you the video is a piece of Art :toofunny:

  6. I personally do not relate to her lyrics I simply appreciate them, I like her usage of images and how she sets the scene in your mind.

    I started liking a lot of things as a result such as violet and Lavenders, It's more like a reverse experience that I don't relate from the start but as I listen I start to adapt to her Music further and she did make me appreciate orchestral music and songwriting.    


    AKA: Pawn Shop Blues, Yayo

    BTD: Video Games, Million Dollar Man, Off to the Races, Loltia

    PARA: God & Monsters, Yayo, Body Electric, Ride

    UV: Shades of Cool, Sad Girl, Pretty When You Cry, Money Power Glory

    HM: All the album but swan song, but mostly Honeymoon, Religion, The Blackest Day

    UNRLSD: Disco, Ghetto Baby, Because of You, Serial Killer

    OTHER: Wait For Life

  8. - I hate the whole "sugar daddy/old men" memes and jokes on Lana that never dies, to me it was a mere concept she had for her songs and albums and it's over.. I find these jokes really really annoying

    (Since most of the fans on social media joke about this I assume this is an unpopular opinion)


    - I understand Lana ignoring her unreleased material, I kinda think she just music most of her music for herself first, so if she doesn't release it mostly likely she was just recording it for her own musical archive.


    - I kinda believe Lana that she did nothing to her face, I don't find it useful to argue whether she did or not.


    - I lost my shit when I discovered Lana was space and those theoretical physics lectures she linked to her hotline.

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