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Posts posted by PlaceboHoliday

  1. I'm checking both Twitter and Instagram, hopefully someone periscopes this or at least films the performances in full length

    The crowds are jumping for the current performer, I hope they do Lana justice too.



    Edit: apparently, John Newman is performing now https://www.instagram.com/p/BHr0spnDPbH55hlzkwPtYx5mRyYArOTbptoFZ40/

    This crowd is getting my hopes high https://instagram.com/p/BHr4forDZfH/


    Update: Passenger is performing now https://instagram.com/p/BHr4EVSBmH7/

  2. I've seen some fans on Instagram say that whoever is attending the show in Russia today should talk to people in the audience and tell them that Lana had a bad show yesterday and they should really cheer her up... which is stupid, I mean Lana is a grown ass woman and her fans treat her like she's a child who can't take criticism :facepalm: I don't know what Lana was expecting tbh, in a festival where the lineup consists of Bruce Springsteen, Lionel Richie and Simply Red she obviously won't go down well

    I don't think Lana is going to be taken seriously if her fans act that way, this way of handling the situation will backlash on her.

    Instead if the fans want to encourage the crowds they must start cheering themselves and the crowds go along, of course that depends on the numbers of the fans within her crowd..


    I really don't think Festivals are for Lana, her performances are reflective on the crowd she has.

  3. omg i wish i could periscope this girls but i don't have any 3g in moscow, also i'm so excited after hearing this tea on backup dancers and her playing guitar. but i'm afraid she won't come down :( especially in russia LMAO

    I was just thinking about who's attending, no worries love about periscoping the show hopefully another in the crowd is a fan who would.


    Can you film the show then upload it later instead?


    8 Hours 48 Mins :heart:

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