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Posts posted by PlaceboHoliday

  1. this will rather be a short set. I hope she ditches Cola and Carmen for two Honeymoon songs like MTWBT or Salvatore, but that ain't gonna happen  :toofunny:

    As much as I love Cola live I absolutely agree on this.. honeymoon needs some love on stage

    Although I would die for more ultraviolence (PWYC, Sad Girl, MPG, SOC), I need to hear her live vocals.

  2. 14 Hours and 50 Mins left

    It'll be literally after dawn in my time zone and I have a heavy day tomorrow in college

    So I'll take some time to do the coverage during the show and update after the show

    But I promise in the end I'll post a big thread for Lana's festival including images, videos, clips and possibly articles about it

    If you are interested in this, stay patient :heart:


    Edit: I already compiled folders for half her shows by now (Rockwave till Outside Lands) and I'm still collecting files for the previous shows too and I try my best to update it every now and then in case anything interesting was uploaded.

    By the end of her show in November (if no new shows were announced), I'll post that thread with all the files I have so there is an archive for her Festival Tour in the shows section.

    After that I'll do her previous tours, then individual shows, I'm kinda focused in updating the show section now.

  3. I wasn't sure where to put this so i'll just post it here. But does anyone remember when Cedric Gervais popped off on twitter about Lana and her fans? Saying stuff like she "still accepted the money" from the royalties paid to her from the SS remix. It was a while ago but does anyone have the receipts / screenshots  :teehee: 


  4. except for that no one on here believes emile can do anything beside his "btd/over the love" production style. I'd love if they'd work together again and so something like Florence's new EP / Hello mixed with production like OTTR and or Million Dollar Man. Not a BTD 2.0 though.

    I would die for a production similar to those two sounds exactly

  5. I'm amazed by this all.. I remember recognizing Florence's voice as they played Stand By Me in the FFXV conference

    But 3 songs by her for the soundtrack I couldn't ask for more ❤️❤️


    I Will Be intro reminds of The XX's Angel, I love how the EP is dominated by orchestral sound too

    Florence + The Machine was a great choice for the franchise, these songs add a modern sound to the usual soundtrack


    I'm in cloud 9 now

  6. This tour is getting positive reviews from critics actually.. it's just that the "macho culture" of Latin America is still alive and they're only expecting a line up full of male heavy metal bands. I must admit that the line up is kinda weak considering this is the biggest festival in Mexico though.

    There are some negative ones that put her flaws on stage on spotlight, I've been looking at comments and article and they have their share of criticism, while she has positive reviews on one hand the negative ones diverges and depending on her fellow line-ups some reviews get affected by comparison.

    I thought Latin America crowds were more supportive of female artist though I'm unaware of the aspect of it

  7. The line up and especially Lana are getting a lot of negative feedback already :ohno:

    I've seen some criticism of poor Grimes, I don't listen to her but I feel she's energetic and something I might enjoy

    Lana has hidden potential as a performer of her type but I feel for some reason she isn't showing that, perhaps it's the audience or maybe herself

    I wish even if she chose not tot change the setlist to put more effort in her performance as in more active and engaged with crowd in hopes they give back

    I feel as if the negative feedback will affect her career noticeably in the near future, I usually don't care much of how people perceive her but because of this I'm worried

  8. Best Sedate Starlet Lana Del Rey


    It’s easy to crack wise about Lana Del Rey. She waltzes across the stage like Florence had her Machine replaced with a Xanax prescription. She not-so-subtly celebrates herself by broadcasting her name in giant neon letters above the stage. Yet, on the other hand, she also has a phenomenal voice and a startlingly dedicated fanbase. When the sound momentarily cut out during opener “Cruel World”, the overflowing crowd at the Twin Peaks stage nearly had a collective heart attack. Tears were legitimately shed when she descended the stairs to the crowd barricade during “Cola” to take selfies and sign autographs.

    When her band struck up the first notes to Del Rey’s Born to Die single “Summertime Sadness”, the crowd fidgeted with elation, muting the artist herself by vociferously singing every word. While “proper” headliner Lionel Ritchie languished a field away, the masses gave in to the sleepy siren songstress and her muted but undeniable charms. As Outside Lands came to an end with a noticeably spirited performance of “Off to the Races”, the questions of Del Rey’s place in the modern music pantheon remained unanswered. All that was certain is how deeply so many people clearly care for her, which, in a way, is the only thing that matters. –-Zack Ruskin



    Why book Richie at all? Sure, he had some fun piano ballads back in the ‘80s, but did you really think he’d be able to compete with Lana Del Rey at a festival that seems to grow younger each year? I just feel bad for Richie, because he gave it his all and at least he knew what the score was.


    Interesting, I'll update this if I find any more reviews on this show.


  9. Geez that Toronto Sun reviewer is a dick, I get it you don't like her performance.. but do your job you idiot, criticize her don't trash her!!

    (I was saving reviews and articles of her shows and I saw this review, out of my stupid curiosity I checked his twitter and he liked some shady tweets about Lana so I'm sure he's a dick and wasn't just doing his job as a reviewer)

  10. I've saved them plus the Byron one  :usrs: here

    It was just a video of lana playing the guitar during yayo. Dunno about the dancers tho... :crossed:


    Thanks a lot for the snapchat


    While I'm in full agreement about the desire for streaming, the need for DVDs, and switched up playlists etc. On the upside it does seem like she's exercising her backup singers more this concert (judging from the Blue Jeans and other performances). Gives me hope that a live Axl Rose Husband is possible. The Honeymoon performance was really badass imo, meaning she's doing live the way live is supposed to be done relative to studio. Also performances are beginning to trickle into youtube.
    Not quite sure what is referenced by "National Anthem Parody", @@PlaceboHoliday, but if it's New Americana song that's unfair given NA is often criticized for being like another song (Bittersweet Symphony, a Verve song?). I think Halsey getting into OTTR is a good sign. At the very least it shows she enjoys the song, and thinking speculatively she may want to be well regarded by LDR (also the scowling brunette in the background, maybe she's trying to rile her, lol). BTW, great work covering the concerts @@PlaceboHoliday.


    I heard about that song and the intro sounds similar, but the choruses of both National Anthem and New Americana sound close to identical 

    the intro similarity is not the same as the choruses being semi-identical


    Also thanks for the compliment, I'll update the main posts later and in the end of the tour I'll post all the pics, clips, articles, and videos I collected throughout the tour

  11. so I don't hate her nor do I like her (I feel bad for the cyber-bullying she gets)

    but I can't help myself but cringe at moments like this (whenever Halsey and Lana are in the same sentence)

    and it's all due mostly to the shit she pulled with her National Anthem Parody

    she's not generally the type of person I like (but this video makes me cringe so hard)


    Edit: Hopefully she doesn't get this excited and make a parody of it too

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