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Atomic Piggy

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Everything posted by Atomic Piggy

  1. Guys, don't beat me for this pleeeease... But here's my thinkpiece I think that Lana might be really burned out... It would explain most of the clownery she's doing recently. Weird new friends, hobbies, clothes etc... Not serving a look or live vocals going along these lines too... Her lyrics are a tiny bit lacking as well, cause name checking an artist or poet just to make a point feels a little bit cheap, like an easy way out to make you realize what she wants to say. Sylvia Plath literally screams "I'm not as happy as I look" as well as Norman Rockwell, who painted happiness that he never lived in. These references are a little too on the nose. Anyways... My point is, that her possible exhaustion might be the reason of this delay and lack of communication. I think it's positive that she's taking it slowly with the album... But as of now, she really puts F in NFR
  2. As soon as she's done bitching about some cosmic shit with her gals
  3. I dunno, LFL cover with her looking directly at you with the creepy smile was a choice... In fact, I'm very intrested whether there will be a car on it or not
  4. I'd really love to listen to full version of metamphetamines one day... Not gonna happen tho... But a guy can dream
  5. It's not a bop for sure, but it has such a nice nostalgic vibe to it... Wasn't it reworked from metamphetamines?
  6. To me it feels like this... In fact, I think that top one might be the actual cover... It has like non-glam LA, pure and kinda gloomy/dusk-y vibe to it, which fits VB sound perfectly.
  7. Ok, I've got that she wanted to bring more Lizzy out... Like get a little bit out of persona, but THIS... This is another one of her problems, because she got out of hand stans won't survive, we're sinking into the rabbit crap HBTB
  8. Think about it differently... At least after all of this matcha/yoga/crystals mess, she's not a vegan yet... Cause she's holding the actual damn rabbit without resentment
  9. Well guys... It's already March 30 where I am from... Feels bad
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