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Everything posted by YUNGATA

  1. the correlation between gay and male and straight and female is weird tbh
  2. I also want to point out one interesting thing is that for Q2, the majority of American's put their state and city where as most other people just put their country. What I conclude from this is that Americans have an inflated sense of self importance :hooker:
  3. @@evilentity i can ban ur account just sayin :hooker: :hooker:
  4. @ binch http://lanaboards.com/index.php?/topic/7599-lanaboards-demographics-survery-2016-results/
  5. Welcome to the 2016 Lanabords Demographics Survery where you, the people, told me about yourselves so I could compile it into readable data! This year we had a total of 136 participants, our most ever :candy: So, here are my messy as fuck Excel skills and thank you for your participation and patience. I also have the raw data which I'm working to make look a little more presentable, so if anyone's interested I can try and post that too :3 Q1. What Is Your Gender? Q2 . What Country Are You From? Q3. What Is Your Age? Q4. Please Describe Your Race/Ethnicity Q5. Do You Identify With Any Of The Following Religions Q6. What Is Your Sexual Orientation? Q7. Poltically, Where Do You Stand? Q8. Favourite Lana Del Rey album/EP? Q9. Favourite Lana Producer Q10. Favourite Lana Single?
  6. compiling graph data now. i haven't used excel in years so could be messy!!
  7. depends on your timezone? like 9 or 10 hourssss. i gotta go to bed now tho
  8. not very much! but it's a demographics survey... with a lana theme
  9. how bout i set the cut off to 15 hours from now, then i'll take a little more time to compile results and post them in a new thread :3
  10. okay i'll set that up :3 okay guys here is the new survey link! i'll edit the OP https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LYG2SFH
  11. ok so i went to check out the results this morning and we're at 104! which is awesome! however, my free account only let's me view the first 100 replies. soooo if you did the quiz in the last 12~ hours i might not be able to see your result. should i set up a second quiz with same questions? or just go with the 100 results i have? something else?? help
  12. it's gonna be p hype ngl. by the way what is your avi and sig from?
  13. yeah some people don't have much interest in producers but I thought for those who do it'd be nice to give em a choice.
  14. yea i had trouble with the single question and didn't wanna bombard it with options. also i kind of got the sense very few ppl would pick big eyes/i can fly as their fav. also y'all like 70 responses so far. nice.
  15. Hi all, We haven't done one of these in a while and there's so many new members since the last survey. I encourage you all to fill it out and I will post the result when I feel there are adequate responses. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LYG2SFH this is not compulsory obviously but it might be cool/interesting if you did it maybe :creep: edit: this is a second link because we reached reply limit with the other. DO NOT DO THIS ONE IF YOU SUCCESSFULLY DID THE OTHER.
  16. @@TIARNZUS you wanna or i can set it up? i'd be interested to know too
  17. someone edit this pic to have blonde hair pls i need it
  18. tbh add him on facebook he's really cool and funny and accepts everyone's req. Is he playing any shows near you? I've been digging some of cash wednesday work more recently. He put a song in for this compilation https://absolve-u.bandcamp.com/releases i've also been pretty interested in another artist on that mix, DJ Alina, who I found through Ryan posting about https://dreamcatalogue.bandcamp.com/album/maniax
  19. don't worry guyz i haven't unstanned ryan posted this on soundcloud. live set he recently did, damn it's so good :')
  20. tbh good time 2 donate with dat dropping british pound :creep:
  21. I think it's very likely Scotland will get another referendum. This one changes the entire context of Scottish independence, people will be protesting for sure.
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