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Everything posted by Clubqueendivine

  1. tf is wrong with y’all? Ofc he is going to block your annoying weird asses.
  2. y’all are being way too hypocritical. Everyone is talking about the leaks and snippets but as soon as someone posts one or hints to it you jump down there throat? I-
  3. OH MY GOD HAVE Y’ALL seen the other pic? THE CLOWERYY very fitting for this era.
  4. Her “knockers” literally have knockers on them I’m- I wonder what deeper meaning THAT has..
  5. The 2014 James Franco x Lana picture book is FINALLY coming out
  6. WAIT IM- WHYYY isn’t anyone talking about this https://www.target.com/p/flip-side-real-and-imaginary-conversations-with-lana-del-rey-paperback/-/A-53613758
  7. The whole lfl album is a joke and people still can’t use the “warming up” to it excuse after it’s literally been 2 years.
  8. HTD and Hope both are exhausting listens. The lyrical content is great however the melody and boring vocals (I know she sometimes goes high and goes like OoooOoO) are tiring. Imagine if she had the deep vocals in Money Power glory or light airy ones of Yayo on either song.
  9. Lana: Has countless lyrics that directly allude to Christianity. Fans: YASS JESUS IS MY DSDDY Also Lana: *goes to a church* Fans: GET OUT THE PITCHFORKES! Girl I’m not at all a Christian, but more than a few of you just seem a bit hypocritical to me.
  10. I- So are we cancelling everyone Catholic now? Have any of y’all thought that just because she goes to church does not mean she’s homophobic.
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