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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. I still can't believe we're actually getting the songs that we are on this album. I'd love for Lana to do an interview about the album and explain why she chose the unreleased songs she did, especially since we know that Fine China was originally one of them
  2. Nikki's gonna post an album "leak" on That Site on her birthday but it's just gonna be her own album. That's her form of revenge
  3. COCC leaked on March 9th, which was 10 days before it was released, so if Blue Banisters was gonna leak on the same time, it would have leaked on Tuesday. I think that most of Lana's other albums leaked closer to their respective release dates, though.
  4. The only song I want dropped is Blue Jeans, it feels so tired now But I'd love to see Lana with the backup singers live, they've been such a good addition to Lana's performances. So many of the songs from Chemtrails and Blue Banisters would be magical live. Imagine Arcadia
  5. When has anyone ever said this? And she hasn't been doing the same thing. NFR and Chemtrails don't even sound the same sonically, the only songs that might sound similar are Wild at Heart and How To Disappear. Honestly, there's more guitar on Chemtrails than there is piano. The three singles and Arcadia are nothing like either of those albums, and from what we've heard and know, the rest of Blue Banisters won't be either. I swear some people hear or see the word "piano" and just assume that it sounds a certain way.
  6. It'd be kind of crazy if this album was the first one since Born To Die to not leak. If anything, I'd be proud of her team more than anything else for finally making progress
  7. 8 days! (technically 7 for me since the album comes out at 11:00 Thursday night where I'm at)
  8. Did you hear that or is that just kind of a "duh" thing? Because to me that feels pretty obvious that she'll send the album out to different critics for review. Most artists do that. And with Lana, it's kind of obvious that she won't send it to as many
  9. Charlie got to be in the COCC gatefold and there's a May Jailer era song (maybe two if the Aviation rumor is true) about him He's also Lana's part time photographer and video director
  10. I can't wait to compare the last lines of Sweet Carolina to the first lines of Text Book
  11. I heard that she took a note from Nirvana and added a secret track to some pressing of the album that plays 10 minutes after Sweet Carolina It's called Silence and it's so quiet that only dogs can hear it
  12. We need something else to do now...hmm...fake info? Predictions? I'm open to any and all ideas
  13. So, what do we think is next after BB? I'm praying that Lana's Santa Baby cover will finally be released for the holidays
  14. - taylor swift also released 2 albums in one year, as well as many other artists - she's been reworking old songs since ultraviolence - she's still on her honeymoon account - her family has been involved in her work since 2006 - she almost never promotes her songs anyways, she usually just tells us they're coming also, she's working on the covers album still (also sorry if this sounds bitchy i swear i don't mean for it to)
  15. Every time Lana releases people are like "guys what if this is her last album", "it sounds like a goodbye," etc., come up with something else
  16. How could I forget AdeleGate? She's literally the one that leaked UFB
  17. I still can't believe this three day...fun fest...started with someone complaining about Lana's family being involved in her work. We've come so far
  18. From what I can hear, I'm pretty sure that Oh Say Can You See, Put Me In A Movie and Yayo do
  19. Lipsters listening to Terrance Loves You after complaining over songs having piano credits on Blue Banisters
  20. Getting your username attached to a dick pic on That Site is turning into a right of passage for this era
  21. Did you try the new Nikki Lane meal? That's why they have her there
  22. Baby Phoenix is absolutely adorable The real star of the Grant family lineage has arrived
  23. This is a really great way to outline the themes of each album and how they all connect to one another. To me, Blue Banisters is somewhat shaping up to be a beautiful little mix of Ultraviolence and Honeymoon in terms of lyrics and themes. All three of those albums (so far) feel like her most honest and vulnerable yet. I don't know if they'll be sonically similar at all, but regardless, I think that those three albums will be able to be listened to one after the other and tell a fantastic story.
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