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Super Movie

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Everything posted by Super Movie

  1. Super Movie

    Song vs. Song

    Black Beauty vs Old Money
  2. I can't wait for the album to come out just so that this insider shit will finally be put to rest
  3. There were like six different fights today, alleged If You Lie Down With Me and Beautiful snippets leaked as well as a suspected final version of Thunder. There's been a lot of chaos today
  4. I'm so glad she decided to reuse from tracks from those sessions (California, Thunder and Dealer). It really would have been a shame for them to go unreleased, they're too good for that
  5. Guys, I'm pretty sure the Violets for Roses lyrics just leaked...here they are:
  6. Text Book is dark blue Blue Banisters is emerald green Arcadia is a mix of pale yellow and white The Trio is the color of fire, so a dark orange Black Bathing Suit is lavender If You Lie Down With Me is earth tones, so pale green and brown Beautiful is baby pink Violets For Roses is dark purple Dealer is dark gold and neon red Thunder is a vibrant orange, like the leaves during autumn Wildflower Wildfire is pale yellow mixed with light blue Nectar of the Gods is light blue and pale brown Cherry Blossom is pink and light red Sweet Carolina is vibrant yellow, or maybe a rainbow
  7. Well, whoever plans on doing it, at least give me a heads up so I can mute you in time
  8. Helpful tip: if you don't want people to call you out for breaking rules, don't break the rules
  9. Yay, congratulations @Niko Dealergo! I'm gonna be honest when I first joined, I thought you were a mod, so this feels deserved and fitting
  10. When it comes out that lustforlife, arcadialovesong2018 and Darla are actually triplets
  11. The chicken is so dry that it came back to life and ran away
  12. Greenwich Acid (1kbps 2 seconds put through a meat grinder snippet) [arcadialovesong2018's version]
  13. Is that not what happened....? You were so set on your opinions before and now it was "just to hype us up"?
  14. arcadialovesong2018 has gone from Rob, Charlie and Chuck Grant hater to fake insider in a matter of hours, riveting
  15. This is me begging people to stop pretending to be "insiders"...it's never gonna work out
  16. I kind of hope she did just leave the original 2013 vocal take if Living Legend, Cherry Blossom and NOTG don't have different takes. It'll make all 4 of those songs sound less out of place
  17. Blue Banisters will not only be the album of the year, but also the album of the decade, century and the millennium. It'll go on to define generation after generation
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