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Super Movie

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Posts posted by Super Movie

  1. hope lana's doing well, sending her all the love in the world :heart: also, side note: i wish some people on instagram would actually look at her posts and not just aimlessly comment random stuff, it comes off as super rude and disrespectful, especially when it's a post about someone who passed away 

  2. i'm so hyped to see if we get that wilder sound she wanted on RCS. i do love the work lana's done with jack, but i think she as much as most of us are ready for a change. in terms of producers for this album, if she only plans to work with one, then i'm hoping it's zach. the work she's done with him (that we've heard) is magic and it would be a really great/natural progression from NFR and COCC

  3. i'm usually the type to be more realistic and honest with myself about lana releases (ie: not getting my hopes up for things i want to happen and not theorizing), but there's just something about the possibility of RCS that's made me do somewhat of a 180. i find myself wondering if she'll include any unleaked or unreleased tracks like she has with these past two albums, what the color scheme will be, who the producer will be and what the album will sound like, etc. 

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