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Super Movie

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Posts posted by Super Movie

  1. I primarily use streaming, but I do have a pretty decent physical Lana collection. On vinyl, I have every album but Honeymoon and NFR (which is ironic considering those are my two favorite Lana records, but I'm gonna get them one day :true: And I preordered the standard cover for Ocean Boulevard, so that'll be coming to my collection soon). I have a copy of AKA on vinyl with the "official" albums, which is pretty special to me. I also have self-made copies of AKA and Sirens on CD that I've been working on making booklets for for like a year now, I just keep putting off getting them printed lol. 

  2. L+F is one of those albums where the highs kind of make it worth it for me. I really love End of the Earth, Handmade Heaven, Emotional Machine, and Too Afraid and To Be Human are solid tracks as well. So I am glad we got the album at all. However, I honestly can't even remember the last time I listened to most of the songs on that album. It kind of came and went. I haven't listened to the outtakes from that album in a minute, but I do remember feeling like they could've replaced some of the album tracks and made an overall better body of work. ADIAML definitely stepped it up in terms of personal taste. I still consider the title track her second best title track

  3. I can honestly see this album becoming quite polarizing in terms of reception. I don't see it being something people are going to expect from Lana just considering the continued fixation on NFR in the public and critical eye. I, however, really love when Lana taps into different sounds and experiments, so I have no doubts in my mind about Ocean Boulevard

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