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Super Movie

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Posts posted by Super Movie

  1. Swan Song has always been a top three track for me oddly enough, and I don't know what it says about me that I never really understood just how depressing it was until a few months ago. I thought the experience Lana described in the song sounded so freeing and wonderful, although I guess that says more about my own mental health at the time than anything else lol. Hearing her talk about the song the way she did in this interview makes the fact that she never sang it live make more sense

  2. This year has been an all-timer for LDR fashion and makeup in my opinion. Between this shoot and her public appearances, it seems like she's really tapping back into that vintage glamour she's always loved. It also doesn't feel like what she's done before, though, which makes it even better. This shoot alone feels like a revamp of that sort of style to match who Lana is now. I love it so much :wub:

  3. 2 minutes ago, NikoGo said:

    I feel like Lana’s team smartened up when it comes to info being spilled. Insiders didn’t even hear BBS until the rest of us did, it’s possible her team is keeping the whole album locked up better than they usually do

    This might be an unpopular opinion, but I'm personally fine with having an era where we don't really have insiders :whatever2: 

  4. She looks incredible :wowcry: This shoot is the definition of glamour, every picture is stunning. I honestly get a Marilyn vibe from some of the pictures. And her smile is just so beautiful. The interview was super insightful as well, I was honestly shocked that she referenced Honeymoon not once, but twice (even if it was just to compare her lyrics then to her lyrics now) :wub: This has been such a good month to be a Lana fan

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