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  1. ethanpetty liked a post in a topic by Creyk in VIDEO PREMIERE: Ultraviolence   
    Inb4 the crazy white girls will start going to Lana concerts in wedding dresses instead of flower crowns
  2. ethanpetty liked a post in a topic by Sitar in The 211 Songs   
    Lana recently caught a lot of attention from observant fans when she spoke in very precise terms about her leaked material. In an interview with The Guardian, she revealed the leaks this fanbase is so familiar with resulted from her computer being hacked in 2012 and exactly 211 of her unreleased songs being taken:
    Unreliable leak blogs have previously reported ludicrous numbers like 700, but something about the exactness of this number is worthy of consideration. Surely we must be approaching 211 unreleased songs, right? But the interview made the same mistake many of us probably make--he lumped in unhacked material with this batch of 211. Indeed, "Black Beauty" was procured by other means, as were a good amount of other songs. So I decided to make this list to try to clear up discrepancies and see if we can't guesstimate which songs we have popped up from this 211. All four early albums/EPs are exempt, as they are sort of confirmed to be not hacked.
    Songs not from the assumed hacked batch will be bolded and given sources, and troublesome discrepancies in red. Keep in mind this is all assumption-based! We do have to consider that Soundcloud finds were probably not within this batch because we (hopefully) would have gotten in better quality.
    Referring to this thread, we can see several songs surfaced in 2011 and therefore cannot be expected to be from this batch. However, certain songs were later provided in higher quality and likely from the hack (I believe the list is "National Anthem (Demo)", "Hundred Dollar Bill", "On Our Way", and "Money Hunny," correct me if I'm wrong), so if you have any more precise, non-incriminating information about sources (particularly songs under 2011 in that thread), let me know!

    Without counting discrepancies that are less assuredly from the original hack, it appears we have...
    113/211 Songs
    *The origin of this demo, fan-titled "No Kung Fu," is unconfirmed. If anyone knows whether or not it came from the batch, alert me.
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