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Posts posted by plastiscguy

  1. Ladies what songs are we most and least excited for? I want to hear opinions :hooker:

    Surprisingly, California the most. I used to hate the first snippet, but after the second leaked... Oh, God. Also Love Song, Happiness is a Butterfly and The Greatest!

    ​Least, I'd say Cinnamon Girl, because I have a feeling the song will be pretty much the same, with that boring long ass chorus being the reason the song is 5mins long. And Bartender, cause the snippet didn't do much for me.


    I'm also looking forward to hear how cohesive the full album sounds! I'm not a very big fan of the tracklist order, so we will see...

  2. Honestly, yeah I found the whole message in the LFA song to be somewhat confusing. Lana sings about America in past tense, and seems to sing of it fondly. Whether she's just speaking on her personal memories of America in particular (like her youth for example), then that's fine. But there's a little suspicion because America was never actually a good place to begin with, so I don't know what the other part in the song Lana is trying to convey through her lyrics, but nevertheless it'll be for a good cause if we all buy/stream it. 

    To Lana, America was indeed a good place. That's why she supports Trump, she wants America to be great again

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