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Posts posted by plastiscguy

  1. I barely ever dream about Lana but last night she was in my dream and i actually remember most of it.


    She was at a celebrities mansion (I think it was Nicki Minaj? don’t ask, i wasn’t making the rules) and i remember a bunch of people were there and I went over to Lana and was like “hey.... we really are wondering about NFR...” and she kinda pressed her lips close together and said “okay. FINE” and next thing i remember is she was in a beautiful green garden of sorts, by a swimming pool and there was a photographer there, and basically she was getting the cover taken for NFR. I remember her dress was long and it was 2 colors- peach and white.


    So anyways they were getting ready to take this picture and I swear to you guys, they were right by a pool- and HALSEY, (again, sorry, i was just watching the dream i can’t control it) comes over and does a huge ass cannon ball right into the pool and guess who gets SOAKED? Yep, Miss Del Rey.


    I remember my jaw dropped and i felt so angry. People were running over to Halsey like “why the fuck did you do that you saw her standing right there” and she acted confused and was like “what’s going on? what’s the big deal?” and someone whispered something about “Lana, new album, etc...”


    and things get a little fuzzy at this point but then no joke whatsoever, Halsey gets all her photographers and agents or whatever to this huge mansion and throws up this big sign announcing her new album- so she would have it out first, right before Lana planned to.


    Couldn’t tell you the name but it only had 5 songs on it because obviously she rushed it just to spite sis so technically it could’ve been an EP idk. I remember the cover was like a black background with other space stuff on it in neon colors. That’s all i remember. i woke up MAD

    Halsey being a RAT even in some fag's dreams... Imagine how tired we are

  2. Maybe it’s just that, about being mysterious. Maybe it’ll get people googling “what’s Lana Del Rey’s upcoming album” instead of just mindlessly presaving it. Idk, she hasn’t been referring to any of her albums by name lately, so it’s making me think it has nothing to do with NFR specifically. Maybe by not naming the albums, new fans will go look them up themselves and it’ll give them more insight or spike interest or even detract people who really don’t care enough to look it up. Or she’s just so anti-promo that she’s actively anti-promoting them. Idk, she’s an enigma.

    That would imply ingenuity and effort. And neither L*na nor her team would move their lazy asses and come up with an idea like that... It's just not realistic.

  3. I really really really hope that venice bitch and mac arent on the album. I hardly ever listen to them and i've never craved to hear them either. And now they're just old and washed out and i feel like putting them on the album would just be annoying when we could have two completely fresh tracks that we haven't heard yet in those positions. Hope however remains skinny and deserves a spot

    Mental illness 

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