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Posts posted by daytonadeath

  1. charli xcx, marina and the diamonds (but I still think that she's cute tho), halsey, melanie martinez, and other ones from this genre

    Smashing Pumpkins, was a huge fan until I found out Billy Corgan was a giant transphobe. I've finally got around to selling my records I bought from em recently

    He's an asshole! He supports Trump

  2. France does have an immigrant integration problem though, but someone like Marine Le Pen shouldn't be president.

    Pra mim morria tudo e começava do zero

    Pra mim tb, mas querendo ou não, o Lula (e o PT) sempre jogaram no time da democracia, coisa que o Bolsonaro não pretende fazer em seu governo. Sou de São Paulo, aqui o PSDB sempre é eleito. Eu odeio o PSDB, mas eles nunca recorreram ao fascismo pra se eleger

  3. Nope, that's the worse part. People really believe he's the best option. Conservative forces in Brazil have grown a lot lately - people want liberation of the guns, people are against homossexuals, etc.

    We have a very complex scenary because our latest goverment spent almost 15 years in power and became very unpopular, we had an impeachment and all. So Bolsonaro kinda represents a (fake) renovation

    a queen who knows the shit.

    Guys, here in Brazil, the right-wing is saying that nazism and fascism are left-wing movements 

  4. If you guys don't like Trump, Macri, or some other right-wing shit, you guys will not like him. Btw, people from Germany, what would happen if a man said that he admires Mengele or some shit like this? Well, Bolsonaro said that he admires Ustra (a man who tortured women against the military dictatorship in our country putting rats on their vagina). What he said is similar to see a german person saying that he admires some of the Hitler's allies 

  5. Lana really is growing as an artist

    Y'all saying that her label will drop her are just being dumb. Lana is one of their best selling artists with the largest cult followings of all time. She might not be having huge hits right now like Dua Lipa but the biggest difference is that Lana will be an artist that people still listen to in 30 years from now, while probably most of us will have forgotten about Dua Lipa because her music isn't timeless and sophisticated like Lana's. Don't get me wrong, I love Dua Lipa too but she's nowhere near as good as Lana, and y'all know it.


    Lana is incredibly prolific, working on new music all the time, and her label knows us rapid gay stans will always buy her albums and make them a shit tonne of money. Besides, how many artists can sell as many concert tickets as Lana? Not many. 


    So honestly leave Lana the fuck alone and enjoy her best era in her whole career. 

    I adore you

  6. Personally, I agree with Lana. Thinking that all is very subjective is something pretty problematic. Obviously there's always going to have our subjectivity in what we see, but the world don't revolve around us. There's a material reality out there with things happening, so it's not everything depending on us and there's a society/culture where we are inserted. I'm really surprised to see this coming from her. In fact, it's a pretty mature thought which goes against that pretty individualistic view that we're seeing happening in our society where people think that they're the center of their reality, when in fact, they're part of it, not the main piece. What she said is not that we can't think/see things from different points of view, or even that we can't question the "truth" that our culture teach us, she's just saying that we, as society, have to follow a commom agreement for the sake of our live as community/human race, and she didn't said that we can't change what is perceived as wrong or right. If we keep following that idea that everything is subjective, we're going to lose our identity as a group, the individualism will grow more and more and our society will collapse. 

  7. It's not that deep. Not every single person in Israel agrees with the fucked up shit that's going on. There are lots of people who strongly disagree with it, not everyone can just move to another country and start their life there. She has fans in Israel, why should they miss out for shit they have nothing to do with?

    Yeah! I mean, genocide is soooo overrated, isn't? And I mean, why should we care that our favorite artist isn't giving a fuck about this humanitarian crisis (which is pretty funny bc she's acting like she's being more political now)?

    Btw, nobody said that every israeli person is pro-genocide, but instead of being pissed off that those artists are not going to their country, they should be pissed off bc their country is governed by fucking murderers. Sorry, but if you're not going to the streets to fight this bullshit, you're not a part of the solution, you're a part of the problem. 

    And oh, your comment reminded me of those "not all men" guys on the internet

  8. People getting killed is a silly thing to Americans.

    they're acquainted with governments that kill innocent people- they supported the military dictatorship here in latin america too lol, now they support the Israeli government.

    It's "funny" how people in here think that the feelings of a bunch of twinks is more important than palestinian lives. Politics are important when their rights are in danger, but when it comes to other people, they just don't care (unless they can get some likes in their facebook/instagram for posting "fuck trump" or something like this, acting like they're making some change in the world bc of a hashtag)

  9. she hasn't said it specifically but through her description of how the album will follow in the footsteps of change and get free lyrically and symbolically it's not a bad assumption to think that she may dive deep in her inner self as to how she conquered or is trying to conquer her happiness. This is pretty personal considering she's been dealing with this battle of "how do i found my happiness?" even in her "happiest" stage which supposedly is LFL.

    ooh I get it! Nice point!

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