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Posts posted by daytonadeath

  1. Hi guys, long time no see.. I was planning to do a coverage following each post that is about the show and do what I usually do ... But COLLEGE

    I'm actually studying for a test, writing a paper and trying to watch the show in the same time.

    So I won't be as effective as always although I'll try to post whatever I can, I really want to watch this show.. I missed Lana so much  :defeated:  :defeated:

    you're really nice. I mean, you're always posting her concerts and stuff! Thanks for doing that


    Oh, and I really want her to tell something about the next album, but we know that it's not going to happen

  2. BTW- what good did Bernie do in 2010? 2014? and in this election- most of those Bernie championed lost major time

    Russ Feingold, Zephyr Teachout

    Instead of hiding in ugly anonymous masks, OWS should have run for office. Perhaps 20-40 congressional seats in Republican areas could have been won.

    Except now, down on the books as a failure.

    Now that Bernie helped burn it down, what exactly did he actually gain this election? Just like Nader. More whine, no accomplishments.

    And it was Bernie that helped Trump win using the word Rigged. Now Trump rigged it. Congrats Bernie, you own it. Because Bernie himself is tone death.

    Sequestering himself in the far northeast, where it is 99% white.

    Bernie fled the big city he was born in. And it showed.


    If Bernie has anything to offer, let him win the congress in 2018.

    Champion some moderate Governors in Florida, in Michigan, in Wisconsin

    If Bernie had spent 1/4 the time against the Republicans in congress than he did anti-Hillary, perhaps the house would have been turned.

    Yeah sure, it's his fault that Hillary is a imperialist murderer, a liar, etc..., I mean, she tried to seem like an feminist icon or something when in fact she fuc*ed the life of a lot of women (both american women and non-american women)

    IMO, Trump is a smart guy, he knew what to say and how to say, that's why he won. He knows how to use his image. Obviously I do not agree with anything that he says, I think that he's a fuc*ing as*hole, but he knew what the americans wanted to hear.



    just to be clear: I do not support trump, I think that he's a fuc*ng bigot and stuff, but Hillary isn't better than him. The difference is that Hillary pretends that she cares about the minorities. Vote for Hillary for a capitalism sistem disguised as democracy

  3. I think it's funny how people think that Hillary would make a change. I mean, I really hate Trump and if I was american I would NEVER vote for him, but when people think that Hillary would be a good president... It makes me worried. It would be good for USA and it's imperialist politics. And i'm against imperialism 

    btw: i'm a radical leftist, so don't try buy me with liberal bullsh*t

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