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Posts posted by daytonadeath

  1. I feel like she's neither. The line "I believe in the country America used to be" from Ride still haunts me.  :die:  

    IDK, but I think she was talking about the aesthetics/art of that time, you know? Her songs have a lot of the beat generation ideas (drugs, road trips, freedom, etc...). And even in the Ride video, she's getting drunk in the road, she sleeps with a lot of guys and have sex in a casino lol. I don't think she's conservative or anything like that.


    btw, didn't she said that she would work with social issues if she wasn't a singer? I think it's pretty hard to see an republican thinking stuff like that. Oh, and there's this post on her ig https://www.instagram.com/p/BNnMAFdBM3A/?taken-by=lanadelrey


    And i think that she said those things about feminism bc she doesn't really knows much stuff about that topic

  2. Music should almost be an escape from reality.


    I don't want hear Lana of all people, singing about anything political. Especially for a whole album.

    I don't agree with you. Art is a way to portray the reality using the imagination/an artistic POV. We have a lot of political songs, and it doesn't make it less artistic than "escape from reality". Btw, it's hard to say what reality really is bc everyone have it's own reality. I think that art is a way to show to the world the reality that the artist lives in (but that's my opinion) 

  3. Her fans are mostly screaming teenage girls and gays who are all about "stanning", "being sassy" and "hipster". The ongoing topics of her lyrics are romance, tragedy and bad boys.

    Her reeasing a political album, at least if done in a straightforward way, would seem very off.

    I agree with you! But, it's something that I would love, you know? It's something personal. Obviously there's a lot of things that we have to consider. But it would make me happy. I mean, I think that it would be great to see her talking something besides "romance, tragedy and bad boys". But, again, it's just something that I would enjoy.


    (sorry if it sounds rude, english is not my first language)

  4. And she was even compared to Portishead on Billboard. And, for teenagers reading this. I did generalize but I never said names because I really don't know anyone here but I suppose if someone felt insulted by my comment is just because I was right. Stop the hating guys, it was an opinion and it wasn't really important! 

    people even do lana x portishead mashups lol

    without portishead, probably lana's style would be different


    Go on the streets and ask someone who tf they are. They wont know.



    But I digress.


    Lana, give us something we can all like. That's all.

    lol, that's like the worst argument I've ever seen. So if its not commercial, its not relevant, great point sweetie 

  5. I'm over the age of 15. And I'm not a teenager anymore tbh.


    But okay.


    "Listening to good music" okay music snob. I didn't grow up listening to it because my parents weren't into the whole indie obscurity, depression inducing, poetry over sounds type music. I'm not saying that because their music is unknown that it isn't good. I'm just saying that because NO ONE knows who they are, it shows they had no real influence therefore, the sound needs to stay in the past where it died. :) Have a great day.


    "You were sorta punk rock. I grew up on Hip-Hop."

    omg I cant believe what I've just read.

    Let me tell you something: honey, just because YOU dont know who they are, that doesnt mean that NOBODY knows who they are. That just mean that you are not into trip-hop/alternative music.

    "it shows the had no real influence therefore". yeah, I mean, they're just like one of the most important trip-hop bands and are like one of the precursors of this style, but sure, they've had no influence. And you know, we're talking about the style that inspired sia, for example.So honey, first you should read about those bands before saying something like this

  6. I love that as a genre name....... lmao

    I WOULD LOOOOOOOOVE this. Cuz it'll be old but new.


    That Portishead crap that you guys keep tryna push is terrible. It'd be a good lullaby though. (no wonder no one knows who those people are anymore; snores)


    What Lana's gonna end up doing is saying she's making a "new sound" and its going to end up being another Honeymoon. If she doesn't I'll be pleasantly surprised and happy.

    :facepalm:  :toofunny:

  7. Oh my God, apparently she's always introduced to you guys during high-school or college there. Here in Brazil she's not famous, actually the schools/college is more focused on Brazilian literature (which is very rich too, I'm fascinated by it). It's so awesome to see that lots of people know her, including at some young ages. She's really incredible.

    The only novel I've read was "The Bell Jar", it made me reflexive and in a melancholic mood for a long time so I decided to take a time before going to another one. If I connect my mindset to a depressive mood for a long time things can get out of hand and be hard to go back to a "productive" state. Even my parents noticed I was affected by the book. I'll look after the other novels, I'm eager to read them now :)

    amei ver outro brasileiro que curte sylvia e lana

  8. Thank you for your insight. You are very knowledgable in politics. Have you studied it in the past? :)

    Well, I study politics bc I love behaviorism (I study psychology in college!) and politics it's one of the most importants themes bc you have to study the institutions that have some kind of control on people lifes/behavior (like our culture, the State, the instituions, etc...). If you're interested, there's a book called "science and human behavior", by B.F Skinner. It's an amazing book! 

  9. BTD is definitely my least favorite too now. Like, it doesn't have as much replay value as it did when it first came out.. fast and upbeat songs get tiring after a while of constant replay. I definitely prefer UV/HM/Paradise b/c I feel like there's more variety in the production, and more variety in the way her vocals are portrayed (w/ emotion). Besides OTTR, BJ, BTD, Without You, Dark Paradise and Video Games... BTD is so bland to me now. 


    That siren signature sound that Emile puts in ALL of Lana's songs (including Wait for Life) AND the album he produced for NBHD.. no thanks.

    I agree 100%. BtD is very special to me bc it introduced me to Lana and a lot of alternative artists, but it's her most commercial album. I have the impression that it's produced this way bc they've wanted to introduce Lana in the media.

  10. Yes, I agree completely 110%!! Bernie's political ideology is modelled around that of the Scandinavian systems, which by the way, literally have the highest rankings on indexes measuring gender equality and treatment of minorities, equal wealth distribution, happiness ratings and so on (Trust me, look up any international research on these things and I can guarantee they will all be high up in the lists). It only makes sense to try and replicate their progressive systems considering how effective they are! They have the best standards of living and stable economies with low crime rates.


    I'm sure you've all heard the saying that a team is only as valuable as its weakest player, well... I think it definitely applies in this situation: a society is only as good as its treatment of its outcasts. Take Iceland for example, there have NEVER been "official cases on discrimination in employment" based on LGBTI identity throughout its entire recorded history. Why?... Because their political system is progressive and works to protect the rights of all people. Heck, they are the ONLY country in the world to have had a LGBTI president... AND she was a female (for anyone who is interested, her name is Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir). According to a recent 'Gay Happiness Index' conducted around the world, the top four places in the world for LGBTI people were Iceland, Norway, Denmark and then Sweden... ALL Scandinavian countries with the same ideology that Bernie is trying to implement into American politics. Of course, life for LGBTI people is not the only thing that makes a good country, but I am using it as one of the many examples that show how this system that Bernie is trying to bring to America really works... And it is a proven fact, not an opinion. They are ranked as the best countries in the world in the majority of studies highlighting practically every social, cultural, economic and political measure. So people can continue supporting the outdated ways of the establishment and nothing will ever change, or you can be a part of Bernie Sander's political revolution which has the potential to literally change all of America for the better, if only people would look at the facts that show he is supporting the most effective political ideology in the world.


    And I am sick of hearing people call Bernie a 'communist'. Yes, he is a socialist, but socialist =/= communist. They are two different things. Communism is a radical form of socialism. If you want that, go to China or Vietnam or Russia. Bernie is advocating for a system like Iceland, Denmark, Sweden which are all democracies, much more similar to the US political system than that of the aforementioned communist states.

    I really, really agree w/ a lot of thing that you've said. But, as a marxist, I think that we've never had any real communist experience. Communism is the final form of socialism, and we've never had this. I mean, in communism, the State wouldn't exist anymore bc (by the marxist logic) in the socialist phase, we would had the dictatorhip of the proletariat + revolution (it's called dictatorship bc we belive that we live in a burgeois dictartoship, so the proletarian government would be like democracy should be, I mean, everyone would have the same rights, voice, etc... and the class struggle would end bc the working class would have the power, not the burgeois).

    Following this logic, those countries that you've mentioned have a system that would be considered "State capitalism", bc we still have private property, inequality and every capitalist stuff in those countries. The State in those countries acts exactly in the same way that the burgeois acts in the other countries, so, they can't be considered communist. Unfortunately, they've said that they are communist, but they're a bunch of dictators who are exploiting the working class by saying that they are communists (which it's not true).

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