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Posts posted by daytonadeath

  1. This is a video I stumbled upon about Melania Trump and the possibility of her being abused by her husband, and honestly it is so disturbing. I don't know if I'm just buying into a lame conspiracy theory but there is definitely something fishy about a lot of these clips!




    The body language and undeniable lack of chemistry between the two is already rather awkward to watch, but seeing the way that Donald Trump just completely ignores and fails to acknowledge his wife's presence in a lot of these clips is appalling! 

    The way that he doesn't let her answer any questions in a lot of the interviews speaks volumes to me, about the level of power he seems to hold over her. 

    I cannot believe the way that he speaks about her body being more important than her personality, and how he says that he "goes off the roof" if dinner isn't ready when he arrives home, as if his wife is just some kind of commodity or robot meant to do all the jobs for him and provide sexual moments with, like she is some housewife from the 1950s/60s.

    And of course, that appalling footage of him openly condoning sexual assault... and the ELEVEN women who have made charges against him, claiming he has raped them. Of course, rape is much more serious than just abusing someone through emotional manipulation, but I doubt that each of these women, including his own ex-wife, would have just made up these claims for no reason!

    ....But what got me the most out of everything in this video is the way that Melania's face immediately lights up with a fake smile when he turns to her, then instantly drops the second he turns away, moulding into a face full of fear and dread. That is not the face of a mentally healthy woman, that is the face of a disturbed and scared woman, and anyone who says otherwise is absolutely kidding themselves! 


    Regardless of whether she is really being abused or not, all I can say is that this is certainly no way for anyone to treat a partner in a relationship! 


    I am so upset that such a lovely couple like Michelle and Barack Obama are no longer the ones in the White House. They were such class acts, so dignified and clearly had a lot of love, adoration and respect for one another. Seeing such a disconnected pair like Trump and Melania is so disheartening. I really feel for Melania, being married to such a disgusting, vile swine like him, especially if the suspicions that she is being abused are actually true! I hope everything is OK and she is not being abused.

    that's really fucked up. But I really think that he is abusive


    First of all, I'm from Vietnam. But I was born and raised in the north, not the south. However the southern cultures and histories are always captivating subjects for me to look into. 
    About Saigon, that is one of the former names of Ho Chi Minh city. It is the largest city in Vietnam, along with the capital city Hanoi of the north in the category of most dynamic cities here in South East Asia. The name of the city is actually Sài Gòn. Black and white, in Han-Viet dictionary, Sài means 'wood,tree,jungle,..' while Gòn means ''silk-cotton". Mostly based on the fact that in the past, this beautiful land has a lot of kapok trees, forest after forest. But there's actually lots of theories about the real meaning of that name. I can't say it for sure cause I don't know exactly the purpose of people who named the land at that moment. But the name is a beautiful word play in Vietnamese, it's neat and poetic, lots of poets and writers use that word in their works here in our concepts of literature.
    We started using that name since forever, we used that name when the land was invaded before 1955, it became the capital of French colony of Cochinchina. It later became an independant public from '55 to '75, still under the name Saigon, however it back then was an anti-communist state and declared lots of battles with the North. In those 20 years, the government was under influences of some Western countries and America. The president was actually a puppet, so that independance just became nonsense again. France and the US used it against its own brother, the north. Kind of like North and South Korea. But we were lucky enough not to end up like Korea right now. After 1975, the war ended with the Communist victory. In 1976, it merged with the other pronvices of the old government and was officially renamed Ho Chi Minh city after Uncle Ho, our revolutionary leader at that time.
    To sum up, you can see that the land was full of wars until 1975. Battles after battles, millions of people die from so many sides. Not only Saigon but all the other lands of Vietnam had that same story. So that explained the National Anthem's lyrics - 'the land of sweetness and danger'. Also in NA, she sang about the Bell Tower Hotel, it's an vintage hotel, a historical proof witness throughout all the dark times of the city. But it's still standing after so many years, that's why she sang "Keep me safe in his Bell Tower Hotel"
    About the term "Queen of Saigon", she used that line in 3 songs - National Anthem, Live Or Die, West Coast. In my opinion, Saigon is a big deal until today, lots of countries in this world want it because of its geographical position which would be an edge to people who have it if any war occurs. The Russian, the Chinese, the American, they all desire that land somehow. Queen of Saigon is the queen of something important, something exquisite, something that is worth dreaming about. But Saigon is also a name of the past, we don't usually use that name anymore here in Vietnam because of the history was too violent and heart-rending, which makes that queen no longer exist. She is now the queen of the past, of something that used to matter. The queen was replaced, it's gone but not forgotten, but still an icon that will be discussed about.
    Also, there's a play called Miss Saigon. It's pretty famous. It is about the love of an Asian girl with an American guy. The love scenes were set on the background of guns and wars at that time, that love is dangerous and forbidden based on those circumstances. How strange that in National Anthem video, Lana asked A$AP Rocky to play JFK and to have an interracial relationship with her.



  3. I want Ultraviolence 2.0 yall can judge and h8 me as much as you want I do not give a shït. I want a prequel or sequel to UV I want more of the narco swing more of the joy I felt when I listened to it for the first time and thought I never would be able to hear something as good as it was. I was relistening to it last week for my uni project and it's true I'm always extra with how much I love it purely out of dumb reaction to people saying BTD or HM is better but I fück you not this album is honestly the best thing that has happened to me and it's really more than just music, it's just that the music resumes everything the concept and vibe is about, and if I could dream of having even just 0.1% of this feeling again on the new album, I would be satisfied. 


    God, yes!

  4. RANT TIME ************************




    I am annoyed at the idea she would have any sort of collaboration with any singer on her album. I don't want her to collab with FJM, Marina, or anyone else because Marina doesn't fit her and I can't imagine her doing a feature with another female singer, it's just not lana for me. And I honestly would be annoyed is she continues covering nina simone when shes not really doing it justice. I don't want any covers unless she does something by peggy lee, other than that I am not here for it.  And FJM is your token hipster try hard and let's be real here, we would know nothing about him if it wasn't for her. He is overrated and will only bring her project down. Her promo or lack of is honestly a mess. Since 2013 it hasn't been persistent or direct in success and I have come to the conclusion that she doesn't want to become a sell out or have so much exposure. I feel like she is right where she wants to be. Because if she wanted to be as big as a britney or your token popstar, we all know she has the chops vocally and thematically to do so, but she doesn't want to. She has matured her direction and likes her fanbase and touring pattern. But her album sales and promo have been going down year by year. I am personally annoyed by her management for not being as active as they one were in her new project and letting things leak and letting whoever have access. I am starting to question the trustworthiness of certain producers, labels, and people on her immediate team as to what their intentions are. Our girl needs to get this sorted because if she waits any longer without any form of notice it is bound to leak. Her managers only come in after something gets out and they aren't doing their job. She doesn't do promo because she doesn't want to or doesn't have the guidance/resources to do it where it would come into comparison to her promo in 2012. And promo is a big deal. Because 85 percent of the people in her fandom would not know about her including myself. Without promo this applies to most artist who are semi new.  



    Additionally people are hating on the idea of a "Snoozer album" or a "honeymoon pt2". I want to let you know that I feel she might be doing this new album in a similar direction of hm in a way that will progress this story even more. So if your against it being dreamlike or similar in california style that shes moving towards, you aren't supporting the story progression and you should honestly listen all over again to her album and see where shes going in the story. Also people expecting it to be like born to die in the sense of fast pace and hip hop style. HAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA That would make her plummet even more, you are kidding right? She came in 2012 at the perfect time with the perfect sound that tied in her theme. She can't just revert back to that time and then automatically have success. 





    Please don't be silly in expecting anything besides something lana would do because she sticks to her story and thats why I love her. The album will not be coming any time soon, especially after all the mess that happened. And give her time, mind you BTD took collectively 10 years to be made considering all the label shopping around, outtakes, and such and look at how great it was. UV took collectively three years and look at how impressed we were with her. Give her time. 


  5. The thing is, we're thirsting and expecting her into releasing sometime in the coming weeks when we shouldn't even know about YAIL anyway - she hasn't even mentioned the new album yet, so there's no basis to our expectations tbh it can be pushed back as much as the label wants until any official mention is made


    I think, if she doesn't begin the release cycle within the next two weeks then we're waiting for some magazine interviews to create hype instead of her just dropping the bomb after a year and a half, but that could probably take until mid-March to allow time for the magazine to promo themselves/Lanas interview


    I just want her to start acknowledging and talking about the new project over anything else, so we can begin to anticipate the mood/general atmosphere and inspirations around the record :deadbanana:


    Sidenote: do any of yall reckon Lana will attend some of the grammy events this year like she did last February? :creep: need to see her on the red carpet again


  6. who is excited for the album ? 


    what are your expectations and worst fears? 

    I'd love to see an album that's not only focused on the aesthetics. I want to see her doing deep songs, with beautiful lyrics. I'd like to see her talking about other stuff rather than love. I want this album to be something new.

    Oh, and I'm really afraid that it's going to be a commercial-pop album with no meaning, just songs that have been made just to be played on the radio and to make her sell more than she did w/ the last two albums. 

  7. Okay so i have two random questions, you know how lana said she'd been sober for years, then how come she's drinking jack daniels whiskey in her Kinda Outta Luck video? Or is it just like water or something? Because if it is then that's hilarious lol.


    And another question, at home does her family like call her lana or lizzy? Cus she hasn't legally changed her name to lana so i'm just curious

    She still drinks (even if it's bad for her, considering that she had problems w/ alcohol when she was younger). 

    I think they call her both. Idk

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