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Everything posted by daytonadeath

  1. Yeah sure, it's his fault that Hillary is a imperialist murderer, a liar, etc..., I mean, she tried to seem like an feminist icon or something when in fact she fuc*ed the life of a lot of women (both american women and non-american women) IMO, Trump is a smart guy, he knew what to say and how to say, that's why he won. He knows how to use his image. Obviously I do not agree with anything that he says, I think that he's a fuc*ing as*hole, but he knew what the americans wanted to hear. just to be clear: I do not support trump, I think that he's a fuc*ng bigot and stuff, but Hillary isn't better than him. The difference is that Hillary pretends that she cares about the minorities. Vote for Hillary for a capitalism sistem disguised as democracy
  2. I think it's funny how people think that Hillary would make a change. I mean, I really hate Trump and if I was american I would NEVER vote for him, but when people think that Hillary would be a good president... It makes me worried. It would be good for USA and it's imperialist politics. And i'm against imperialism btw: i'm a radical leftist, so don't try buy me with liberal bullsh*t
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