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Everything posted by transfemmefatale

  1. I love the production on both, her voice sounds so crisp on both albums, the way she sounds in Cinnamon kills me tho, it’s just such a satisfying listen. Do you guys remember during l4l era when she posted instas of her singing between pieces of paper to give it that specific sound? I wonder if she did any of that for NFR.
  2. I actually really liked her Coachella song, the songs on l4l i didn’t like were the beatles son song, stevie’s, and groupie love, everything else is nUT.
  3. why do ppl think tools album will do better, who is tool?
  4. where i ordered it says its supposed to arrive on friday so idk, ill try not to get my hopes up tho.
  5. I don’t understand why people think it leaking would hurt sales, most albums leak before release, and why would it leaking stop anyone from buying it? Anyone that was planning on buying it probably still would, cause who even buys albums anymore, mainly the fans. Most people do streaming now and if it were to leak anyone would pry switch to streaming by the 30th cause it’s more convenient than using itune’s prehistoric ass. Maybe I’m being ignorant, but I just don’t get the paranoia.
  6. ugh thats so disappointing. i honestly do not understand what the point of making a censored vinyl is, who spends 40$ on a vinyl just to listen to the music censored, interscope yall need to stop, this is sin ! this is also why i hate gift cards, if you really care about someone don't give them some stupid gift card, give them money so they can get what they want and need ! Thank you so much for the info tho, i literally just cancelled the order, and managed to not throw away 40 bucks <3 Edit: it also says the album length is 0 seconds, makes me wonder if the info is just incomplete like a prior poster said.
  7. Okay so I'm pre-ordering the VINYL from Best Buy because I have a gift card, and the album doesn't have the "explicit" warning on the art, and obvi the art is censored, so does that mean the songs will be censored or no? I once got a Gaga album on vinyl that had censored lyrics and I don't wanna make the same mistake again. Lana wouldn't do something like that right??
  8. Wait people don’t like In My Feelings??? That’s like my favorite song from L4L, the level of fed up she is, is so refreshing to hear. It’s such a cathartic song about female anger and the men who don’t deserve us.
  9. “Trashy Dancers”, geez, harsh much ? what’d they do to you?
  10. I think the discourse around the video coming out tomorrow is pretty ridic, but her Paradise era videos (which I love, don’t get it twisted), do have their share of cultural appropriation, which is worth critique, this talk of her wrongly romanticizing certain things is one I don’t know if I’m on the same page with though. Her songs are not meant to be objective, she sings about really complicated emotions that relate to abuse, drugs, men, and what not. And as dark as those things can be, theres a reason its easy to get caught up in cycles with them because theres always the initial high that a lot of ppl do romanticize ourselves. At the end of the day I think ppl can think for themselves and some ppl put way too much weight on artists bcuz some ppl inevitably are going to misinterpret their work in a toxic way. It would be impossible not to even if the artist did everything right, but that doesn’t mean they should sanitize their work and only sing about safe things.
  11. lol true. and i mean, to be fair ive always been more attracted to melodies than lyrics in my music, maybe shes almost like an auteur director but in music form like david lynch who always do weird stuff that feels right somehow.
  12. okay but what does the pink flamingos line mean??? thats one of my favorite songs of hers tbh but ive never understood that line.
  13. I honestly can't with this album. Some of the stuff I've heard on it literally makes my stomach hurt from how sad it feels. And like, I eat that shit up, I love me some sad, melancholy music, but some of the stuff on this album, it physically pains me. I'm here for that, but OOF. (not talking about leaks, just snippets and songs that have already been released).
  14. I still listen to Another One and Icy on the regular, I think Another One might actually be my fave.
  15. Yeah I agree, and I also feel the guy on the cover being so unknown and someone that the listener can project anything onto works better. If it was Lana's BF or some well known male celeb (like James Franco as some have suggested) it would just distract from whatever she is trying to convey imo.
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