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Posts posted by sjatib

  1. 35 minutes ago, Shadowheart said:

    like why the fuck would powerbanks be not allowed, do they want people's phones to go down so they dont promote their event on social media? or is it a safety measure, but who the fuck would throw their own powerbank on the stage, they should have ban phones if thats the case lmao


    Maybe its because they're renting them. I've seen that at festivals, not the prohibition of bringing your own though.

  2. On 5/16/2024 at 11:22 PM, ultrabanisters said:

    people who hate on blue banisters do it for one of two reasons


    1- they see it as either a waste of unreleased tracks or a 'lazy' album. we were never supposed to have the songs on that album, so if you go in with the mentality of it being new, it is classic after classic


    2- they followed that hate train


    in conclusion blue banisters is an incredible album and is worthy of a top 5 spot in her discography


    Just facts ❤️


    My personal n°1 record from her. Just music to reflect deeply on while thinking about the reasons to love, suffer and keep looking at life's eyes knowing that there's no safe way to do it, just the chance that it'll end up making sense.


    Long live Blue Banisters :)

  3. 7 minutes ago, The Sun Also Rises said:

    Does anyone have a complete video of Peppers? The best I could find is this one: https://www.instagram.com/p/C7GIV-ZKZUb/?img_index=5 (last slide), it seems so fun live 


    Also did Lana sing just a line from Fishtail or the whole (or stortened) song? I've heard both


    Its in her fathers (@robertenglandgrant) Instagram, yet filmed from the stage and with terrible audio quality. Fun to watch, anyway!

  4. 6 minutes ago, Paris Hilton said:


    Yes, Nancy Drew! Therefore YOUR opinion on Lana's experience doesn't define her... Case closed.


    Guess respect and constructive intercourse are not familiar concepts for everyone. Good luck, though!

  5. 57 minutes ago, Paris Hilton said:


    I see what you mean, but, AGAIN, you're talking from your OWN perspective and that's fine. However, you cannot say there is other stuff to get mad at because, again, it depends on the person. Some things that might be offensive to you might not be offensive to me, but that's you — and in this case — it is Lana. I mean, they're bringing up personal shit from her life. I would feel some type of way as well.


    You are confusing some "jokes" with someone being a cu*t to her for no reason. The user who posted that doesn't even give a fuck about what they did, so... it's more targeted than just a simple joke.


    I mean, of course its my own perspective. This is a forum and I guess thats what that's about, creating a space to share perspectives.


    I personally -again- find quite more disturbing and enervating things as people talking about her past/present relationships as if they were a matter set to public debate (remember that guy who went to a festival with Sean's face printed to his shirt). Not to talk about the ones that publicly talk about her mother or speculate about Lana's feelings about that. Not that Lana hasn't been vocal about that on her music, but I just cant get how that information is treated sometimes as food for gossip and not as something to be extremely respectful about.

  6. 5 hours ago, Paris Hilton said:

    Joking about someone's experience on abuse and depression like that  Joking about having cigars/vapes for breakfast...


    Maybe it might not seem to be a big deal for us but it is for Lana. Who are we to judge that. 

    I mean. Its Instagram. Its Internet. They are mostly teenagers looking for validation. Its not as much as the cigar thing itself (that doesn't link to any healthy or wholesome conceptual stuff either, just in case), its about the lack of substance or intentionallity behind that all (the post in discussion included). There's tons and tons and tons of VERY problematic stuff in that social that I find quite more deserving of an angry response. Not to invalidate the fact that she's visibly offended by the post, but I just dont think it earns it.

  7. I mean I guess its not a funny thing for Lana to read but half of the Lana memes dont differ that much from this one. Like the ones with cigars as breakfast and all that stuff. I dont think she should take it as more than it is, thats not more than some unfortunate comment from a more than probable teenager.

  8. 14 minutes ago, SalvaWHORE said:


    It actually is,  

    I bet she never forgets about them, for instance - that damn Guardian article who painted her to be someone glamourising suicide by saying "I wish i was dead" - if i were her, i'd be mad too.

    Dont forget she was smacked by a group of feminist people on the street in the beginning of her career and had to endure constant misunderstanding, lies, false accusations  for her lyrical content - which literally her telling her story.


    and by saying "worse than most peoples" i think she's referring to her life story, her childhood, upbringing and stuff (you know, her family trauma and drama between her mom that she talked about in Fingertips, Wildflower Wildfire, hope, violet, those institution stories, her allegedly *might* have been physically/emotionally ab*sed by men etc.), she just want to have a right to tell her stories in her music without anyone to crucify her, villainize her, telling lies about her, miswording her, etc. She just want her stories in the music to be valuated and respected like her peers, that's all.


    I get she's an extraordinarily sensitive person that has been as well through some rough stuff, but even if her road regarding public exposure may have been  difficult, she still belongs to the realm of the objectivly privileged minority in a world where most of population face sceneries that get worsened every passing day. I just dont think that what she said is the most appropriate discourse to be given in a public plataform where everyone is able to feel alluded.

  9. 1 hour ago, Embach said:




    Love her but not her story being worse "than most peoples", damn.

    5 minutes ago, Honeytrails said:

    Fake Rolex track 6 on Lasso :oprah4:


    9 minutes ago, twinkletoes7 said:

    watches are the new horse shaped bush, havent you heard?


  10. Maybe out of topic, but do we know what's been happening these last weeks with her? She looks like an absolute divine aparition every time she's gone public. Not to sound ageist, but she look like she's her 2012 self all of a sudden. I just cant stop staring at her recent pics, she looks truly unreal in the best of senses.

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